Apr 27, 2007 14:44
I'm going to be teaching a weeklong, three hour per day class in publishing at the Summer Institute at the College of St. Rose this July. The class will be composed of up to 20, though probably more like 12 to 15, 6th through 10th graders (listing to the younger end, I'm told).
I'm excited about it and full of ideas about how to get the kids thinking like a publisher before they start thinking about trying to get published. But it's also been a long time since I worked with a group of kids this age, and I can't say I've ever led a group this big all on my own. I'm not petrified, but I know enough to know that I should probably do some preparation on aspects other than curriculum before I consider myself ready to go.
So here's where I could use your help...
• Youth group leaders/YRUUers/Camp counselors (and anyone else who wants to weigh in):
What are your favorite ice breakers, getting-to-know-you-exercises, etc.? How about get-the-restless-physical-energy-out activities? I'm certainly aiming to have the class be mostly activities and projects, not "lecturing," but it's still going to be summer, and it's still going to be three hours long; we will need breaks and diversions.
• Teachers (and anyone else who wants to weigh in):
Give me your version of classroom-management for dummies. What's essential for setting a good tone at the beginning? What are your sneaky secrets for diffusing a confrontation/distraction without getting into a power struggle? What do I not even know enough to think of?
Thanks much!