(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 00:44

Until about an hour ago it was Eric Idle's birthday. Yay!

I don't want to go back to school tomorrow. I always get so much schoolwork that it makes me feel stressed and worried. I haven't even started doing my research for the stupid Icelandic essay that is due next week and I haven't done the psychology experiment yet that I have to write about for Friday and then I have to do two physics projects and, and, and... *nervous breakdown*
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...

I used to hate holidays and love going to school, despite of all the work. That was back when lunchbreaks were the greatest time of the day and every day something new and funny happened. Now I sit around at lunchbreaks, having nothing to do than watching people make out and thinking about the next class.
Our table has been invaded by people I know little or not at all. And sitting between people I don't care to get to know and couples who seem to be in their own world, is extremely depressing.
Then I think something like: "I'm so bored! Why does María always have to be doing a million things?! I'd much rather talk to her than these people."
Or: "Why does Lísa always have to be tired and depressed?!"
Or: "Why does Halla always have to be making out with Heiðar?!"
That makes me wonder if anyone ever thinks: "Why does Miriam always have to be busy with something?! I'd much rather talk to her than these people."
Unlikely, since I'm usually not busy at lunchbreaks. Slightly depressing thoughts.

My social life at church could be better too. I have quite a few friends, of course; Matti, Binni, the missionaries (well, the missionaries are nice to everyone, so I don't know if they count as friends). But when I'm only with the girls, I tend to sit by myself, not saying a word, thinking. Don't get me wrong. Rebekka and Karítas are nice girls but they live in a completely different world than I do. They like pop music and horses and Orlando Bloom. I can't talk to them about music I like, world domination, strange things I do at school (well, I tell them about those anyway and they call me weird) like I talk about with the boys.
When I hear Rebekka and Karítas talking about something I'm not interested in, I catch myself thinking: "I guess I like the company of boys better than of girls. Wait a tic... most of my friends are girls! Wow, I sure am lucky to know so many untypical girls."
Thought: If any of my silly, non-ecclesiophobic friends would care to join me at the church activity next Friday, just so I won't have to be by myself in case Matti and Binni won't be there - it would be highly appreciated. (Not trying to convert anyone. *shifty eyes*)

Conscience: "Go to sleep, Miriam! It's late and you're going to be tired at school tomorrow."
Miriam: "Ígíbú!!"

halla the black, church, monty python, matti, missionaries, school, lísa, music, binni, maría, depression, holidays, birthday, heiðar, complaining

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