Pieces of Time Chapter 5- Dorming with HyoYoung

Apr 02, 2011 12:45

Title: Pieces of Time
Pairings: Changmin/fc, Yunho/Yoonji, Jaesu, more to come
Genre: Romance, General
Length: 7-8 Chapters
Rating: G
Summary: Just going through each day of classes- same people, same old routine...almost.
A/N: First person point of view~

I groan as soon as I reach the dorms, kicking off my shoes and shuffling into the room. Two pairs of bunk beds separated by a small, low table greet me. To the left the small kitchenette and the door to the bathroom across from it to the right.

Soo Young and Hyo Yeon look up from where they sat on their top two beds. They grin and I sluggishly wave my hand to them then walk to my bed and fall on it face first.

“I take it your day didn’t go that well?” Hyo said.

“You seemed fine this morning in gym” Soo Young added, brows knitted and pouting.

“I was fine and happy up until the last five minutes of art.”

“Why, what happened?” Hyo was first to slide off and walk over to me, rubbing my back. “Was it the professor? Did someone do something to you?”

“Did it have to do with Jaesu?” Soo young also slides off the bed above me.

I grunt and shrug. I feel someone tickling my feet. I jerk and whine but soon start laughing when both attack me, tickling my ribs, my toes.

“Ok ok! I give!” I sit up.

“But omg, today with Jaesu...what did happen? Any news with them? Spill! You always have stories about them!”

Hyo swats Soo Young lightly on the shoulder.

“Yah!” she whispers. ‘Why are you asking her about them instead of her worries? We should help her first..’ Hyo’s eyes said to Soo Young.

‘I am helping her. Make her forget a little while, when she’s ready she will tell us,’ Soo Young’s eyes shine back at Hyo.

I smile. Slowly, I start telling them about Jaesu today, what they did. Both laughed at the “kokki kokki”- Hyo shaking her head and Soo Young calling Jaejoong, “Kwi-yeop-ta~” and then nodded in curiosity when I told them there might be a possibility the two of them knew Yoochun. If I could get an answer from him, that is.

“Now, about my problem...” First I tell them about meeting Changmin in astronomy class. Soo Young goes “A-oww!” and winks at me playfully.

Hyo quirks the corner of her mouth. “Seems you’ve made a new friend”

“Yes, but here’s the rest. At the end of art, the prof says we’re FINALLY on the level for nude sketching-”

“-that’s good. Haven’t you been whining you’ve looked forward to th-” Soo Young is cut off with a whine and glare at Hyo when the latter claps her hand over her mouth. Hyo nods for me to continue.

“All of next week, we’ll be sketching nude modeling. Guess who is the nude model?”

Hyo takes her hand away from Soo Young’s mouth, which was agape.

“No...way...” she mutters and turns to Hyo. Hyo mimics a coyote howling and the two collapse in peals of laughter as I groan and bury my face in the pillow again.

“God this is not funny! It’s a catastrophe!!”

“Does he know you’re in the class?” Soo Young asks.

“Yeah...he saw me way at the back but believe me, you could NOT miss the smirk on his face after that.”

“So...then what? After that?”

So I told them. Told them how he waited at the front for me to reach him, slowly taking my time. Told them how I noticed each girl eyeing him, even Jaesu, as they passed by although he just kept smirking. I told them how he walked me back to the dorms, up to the fifth floor until I told him that’s enough, I could walk to my room from there. He nodded, leaving to his own apartment a block away. I told them about the conversation we had as we walked from the art room to the dorms- walking slowly at his pace no matter how I wanted to power walk. I still remembered it all fresh in my mind-

As soon as I caught up to him at the door he said, “Fancy seeing you here. I didn’t know you had an artistic side.”

“Har har har.” I flicked my tongue over dry lips. “Tch, you really are turning into a stalker. Since when do you do these...”

He grinned. “My major is performance arts. I just volunteered since the art department’s not exactly rich enough to get a professional nude model.”

I scoffed. That was true about the art department. I groaned and buried my head in my hands, about to be sick. Here was this guy I’d just met and became friends with in the course of one day and by next week...

“Hey hey, what’s wrong?” He bent over, hand on my back.

“...so for the following three classes next week you’re going to be posing-”

“-fully nude?” Changmin smirked. “And here I thought they taught students that art in its best form is the human body. What about all those Renaissance paintings? Botticelli’s ‘Venus’...”

I reached to swat his head, he ducked. He enjoyed the torture I was going through. I muttered to myself about all the work I already had, as if I needed additional stress.

“I would let you continue carrying on but did it ever occur to you that you could just ask me to pose with my back to you? Or get me to talk to the professor?”

I stopped in the middle of complaining. My eyes widened. “Oh my god! You’re genius! Thank you!” I squeezed him without realizing what I was doing. By the time I pulled away I notice he was red and quite shocked. “Thank you! You saved me now I can actually relax without worrying my innocence will been stained...no go-backs though, alright? You promised, ok?”

“Yeah...I guess so, if I promised.” A smirk.

I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t believe you...let’s swear on that.” Pinky swear. And that was that.

Afterwards we changed topic and he walked me to the dorms, waved one last time before leaving.

“But then...why are you upset now?” Soo Young rubs my back slowly.

“...because I realized he’s still going to be there nude with his back to me and I’m still going to have to-”

“-see his bum” Hyo announced and the two started laughing again. “Lighten up! He seems like a decent person, something tells me he won’t go back on his word”

“Now don’t forget...barbeque dinner tonight at Yoonji’s as promised ok? All the girls’re going” Soo Young reminds me

“Just girls right?” I say, hands hiding my face. “I don’t think I can handle the male species anymore right about now.”

They burst out laughing.

“What is that supposed to mean? Of course only girls! Why else would it be called So Nyeo Dinner?”

I smile, getting up to go get ready.
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