Title: Pieces of Time
Pairings: Changmin/fc, Yunho/Yoonji, Jaesu, more to come
Genre: Romance, General
Length: 7-8 Chapters
Rating: G
Summary: Just going through each day of classes- same people, same old routine...almost.
A/N: First person point of view
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awww you put the elephant cellphone strap here too!! i found it funny how after jae tweeted the pic, the sales went up :P though it wasn't surprising, of course.
alksdjaflksdjf if jaejoong and junsu hummed in harmony in my class i'd scream right then and there and wouldn't be able to concentrate. on second thought, just having them there isn't helping me focus. lol. lucky her. she's close with yoochun.
ooohhh the jaejoong lip licking signature move. aslkdjf i love the details <3<3<3
CHANGMIN AS A NUDE MODEL? WHERE IS THIS ART CLASS I NEED TO GO!! tho i'd probably end up drawing a stick-man anyway, at least i get to stare with a purpose >< *bricked* danggg... again.. LUCKY HER.
WAHAHA yes, unsrprisingly, that company must love jaejoong now for making their sales go wayyyy way up
haha yeah, lucky her for being childhood friends with him...and i guess i wrote this hinting that jaesu were just coming up with 'colors' right then hehe
;D glad you liked that part bb hehehhh
A STICK MAN WAHAHAHAAAAAA man...i still wonder where on earth i got the idea for him as a nude model xD *smacks head* well, apparently s'a very good idea xD *imagination wanders off* whoa~
and LOL. it's a brilliant idea :D
*high fives* muahaharrr i shall have fun thinking up the continuation to this one xD
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