
Apr 03, 2012 22:15

I now feel I have nothing to say.

My weight sucks. Today it was like 186. I've been trying the Couch to 5K program, and attempting to get into the weight room and/or walk the track during the day. My lowest weight recently was 180 on Saturday, 3/30. I'll see if the C to 5K program really does anything. It makes me run around 6 miles every week.

So far I still have a job, as no one has told me otherwise. I feel like Milton from Office Space. My principal will start to look into it for me. I have been working on planning stuff out for Camp Brulé. I have the staff order worked up, I just have to figure out the ribbon order next and fudge some student numbers for the hat order. I also have to deal with paying for the EMWP until the district reimburses me for the tuition. Like I have 2 grand sitting around somewhere, because I don't. And that being said, I hope the taxes aren't terrible and we have to owe the government anything this year, because likewise, where do the want that money to come from?

I had a stamp party Friday night which taught me not to hold week night events. I tried again for Sunday, but this past weekend was just lousy & busy. However, I did more than make my minimum for the quarter, and I even had an order to start off the new quarter with. I still need to craft up some thank you cards for coworkers who did nice things after my dad died. Over Easter break I am also supposed to help my mom with thank you notes as well.

Other than weekly weigh ins and workout updates for the sake of Kelly, I think I will go back to my typical boring self of no new news. My life just feels so unimportant and insignificant. I have a husband, 2 cats, 55 students, 1 mom, 1 brother, & a bunch of friends. I get by, trying to do the best by all of them, but some of them get short changed in the balancing act. I don't really do anything life changing...
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