Mar 15, 2004 13:06
So I've changed my mind from the past few days:Boys are not dumb....they are assholes. And nobody can refute me on that because that was words from a boy. I called ryan this morning from my home phone and he didn't answer. Then I called Crystal and a few minutes after I got off the phone with her Ryan called. And we shot the shit for a minute and then he says "I guess I should apologize." and I said "yeah" and he said "I just thought we were heading towards a relationship and I'm not looking for that (or ready for that or some shit like that)" and I said "yeah" and he said "I guess I should have called you a week ago" and I said "yeah" and he said "I'm sorry" and I said "that's ok" what the crap no it's not ok. He's a jerk. And I really don't like calling him a jerk because actually he's a nice guy. I'm just pissed because he gets scared and screws me over. I mean yeah I understand that he's going to Europe in a few months and that he'll be done with school in like 2 weeks and probably going back to Ohio for a while but still come on!!!! So Bri, lets hunt him down and you guys can go at it in a knife fight. And I might just have to jump in there a few times. Ok, I'm done....for now.