Feb 05, 2006 03:13
Well for starters I just turned 9 a couple days ago. We really didn't have a big party because that was when Mom and Dad were still on Risa. Uncle Chakotay and Auntie Kathryn had a small party and it was really cool cuz Kroton came over.
I am grounded. It's because I punched a kid who made fun of me, and I have to admit I didnt think two weeks was bad but I am so bored. I think maybe next time if I have the urge to kill someone I will just huff and puff and grit my teeth and walk away cuz this is boring!!
I am helping Mom with Ben, and its pretty fun. I am still learning how to do things correctly and I know sometimes I am not helping mom at all, but I know she needs it with Daddy being gone. I am so excited cuz when he gets back in a few days he is going to take me out on a type 4 shuttle and I get to start some of my flying lessons.
I hope to start my training with my uncle Chakotay for my spirit guide soon. I haven't talked to him lately since he has been so busy with classes at the academy. But hopefuly soon I will start my spirtial journey.
As for Courage, he is doing just fine. He is BIG and FAT! Mom was a little pissed off at him when he decided to drink from Ben's bottle. Let's just say Courage almost had a one way ticked to the barge of the dead.
hmm... what else.... I think that's it. I am almost done on working on some artwork. But, I have a week to finish it... Eh :P