(no subject)

Sep 22, 2009 20:29

I am concerned! About my health! It is negative awesome.

I started having sharp pains in my lower stomach in late June or early July, when we were in Boston. They came on gradually-ish - not every day, and not terribly painful, so it took a while before I realized they were perhaps problematic. I saw my PCP in late July, was referred to my Ob-Gyn, who found the ovarian cyst which I had removed on August 31.

The pains have neither changed nor gone away; if anything, they've gotten worse since the surgery. They are very stabby and sharp, in my lower right stomach, and they hurt like a motherfucker, and pain has started radiating to my thigh and hip. They come for several days in a row, and then not at all for a week or so, so it doesn't seem to have any relation to diet or sleep or anything like that; they are almost always between 10-12, and very rarely later than 2. They don't actually last long (especially now that I've started popping 3 ibuprofen at a time) but are awfully debilitating - yesterday I was light-headed and exhausted for much of the rest of the day; today my boss was talking to me when they came on and it was pretty much all I could do not to give any major outward sign of discomfort (at least not to him. He is pretty oblivious). My appetite hasn't changed, nor has my weight. It's about the right spot for my appendix, but two and a half months seems like a long time for that to be going on. So basically I have NO CLUE what it even COULD be. It's possible I'm still recovering from surgery, but the fact that the pattern of pain hasn't changed at all, that I actually had none of this pain for a few days directly following, and that they have seemingly gotten worse since the surgery suggest to me that they're not.

Obviously it could be worse. I'm not passing out or vomiting or screaming from pain (though I almost wish I were, as it might lend some urgency to the Figuring This Out) but I kind of feel like if it gets much worse, I will be. I did finally make an appointment with my PCP for tomorrow - I'm still within the recovery window for surgery that my Gynecologist gave me, but I'm just not willing to wait any longer. And also my therapist wants me to talk to her about going back on anti-depressants. So there's that, too. And that is fun. At least my appointment is right in the PAIN OH GOD PAIN window, so if I'm lucky it'll come on while I'm there and maybe that will help?

I don't know. If anybody has ever had this sort of thing or known anybody who did, I would love to hear what you or they found out it was. And really I just would really like prayers and good energy.
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