30 Days of TV: Day Three

May 06, 2010 16:16

Day 03: Your favorite new show ( aired this t.v season)

Since I've already used the Good Wife, I'll go with Glee for this day.

Oh Glee. How you make me miss my choir days. It is silly and sometimes problematic and sometimes painfull earnest. But it's also sometimes very funny, satirical (maybe the problematic comes from not being able to decide whether something poratrayed was meant to be satiracle or earnest) and above all, there is lots of singing and dancing.

In particular, I really enjoy Matthew Morrison as Mr. Schuester. He's just a bit precious. And sexy. And he raps. Somehow he manages to pull all this off and still make you root for him in his various dramas. How earnest and satiracle is that?

Sometimes I feel like this show was written for me. Other times it feels like a well-produced but still cheesy after-school-special. Sometimes there are great character moments, where the individuals you thought were there to feed a diversity quota or fill out a this-is-a-high-school-show element, they surprise you and grow and develop and reveal something true. It's never not going to be inspiring to watch them grow and earnestly sing and dance together and hopefully at the end of the season, win.

A promo, with the song "Somebody to Love"

image Click to view

The latest episodes are up on Hulu.com

30 days of tv, glee

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