oNe | phone/action

Jul 09, 2011 15:27


Whooooooa. How are -- how are all these motherfuckin' voices be coming from this little tubething? Motherfuckin' miracles, man.

[There's a looooooong pause, and it seems like Gamzee might have wandered off and forgotten to hang up until he speaks up again.]

Uhhhhh...pretty sure my skin ain't all being pink last time I checked. 'Cept for that one time with the sweep-old pie. And I think I all up and lost my motherfuckin' horns.

[Action, 1338 Benny Street]

[Gamzee's just standing out on the lawn, staring out into his surroundings with a glazed look on his face, jaw half-open in amazement. Holy shit, he's out in the sun and it doesn't hurt, everything is so bright, holy shit there are so many pink starmonkeys walking around look at all the colors oh my gog everything is so beautiful]
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