TwO | action

Aug 08, 2011 19:33

[ACTION; morning all around Mayfield]

[Sadly, Gamzee has not yet acquired his trademark face-paint, as the stores refuse to sell make-up to a boy and he's too stupid to lie about it being for his girlfriend. Kanaya had offered to buy it for him, but then she got panscrubbed and now she just giggles at him and tells him to stop joking when he tries to bring it up. BUT GAMZEE IS A DETERMINATOR. HE IS MAKING THIS HAPPEN.

So it's back to plan A. After extensively studying the fashion sense and styles of the pink starmonkeys (aka staring at them in slack-jawed wonder), Gamzee has managed to come to the conclusion that the females wear really long shirts and no pants. He's stolen borrowed some clothes from his drone mom, but didn't bother with her make-up since that's motherfuckin' blasphemy.

In short, there is now a gangly thirteen year old boy wobbling around town in high-heels and a dress that's too big for him, and occasionally tripping on the hems or the shoes and falling flat onto his face. Also, he's gotten himself lost.]

[ACTION; later that afternoon]

[SUCCESS. Having somehow acquired the necessary make-up, Gamzee's wearing his clown facepaint at last...and also still in the dress, since it hasn't occurred to him yet that he might want to take it off. He can now be found all over Mayfield, staring in hypnotized wonder at the glory that is his miracle modus.

Sorry, were you holding something? Gamzee's just going to absently try to snag it and make it disappear into a beautiful swirl of seizure-inducing rainbow cards.

Also, for anyone at 1338 Benny, most of your items have probably mysteriously vanished.]

at least he's got girl hair, walk walk fashion baby, i am not even a little bit sorry, the prettiest troll it is him

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