Konbanwa, minnasan, it's just a little past midnight and I thought that I would post my day four of things that make me happy. And oddly enough, it's this angsty little drabble I wrote in about five minutes, because some times what makes me happy is when I can say so much in so little. So, I hope everyone enjoys!
"Run" (A Drabble)
By: Miracle Shining
PAIRING: General (Any pairing)
LEGAL JUNK: Don't own, just borrowing
GENRE: Angst
WARNINGS: Inferred death
SUMMARY: Sometimes you can't run fast enough... (Written in 2nd person)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written after watching a beautiful OPV for T.O.P. and G-Dragon, but can be inferred to any pairing.
Sometimes you just can't run fast enough.
The air in your lungs burn and the dirt in your eyes sting. You try and try, but you never catch up.
Always out of reach, always three steps ahead, always an illusion.
You spin in circles, you scream and slam your fists, you bleed.
You feel a thousand emotions and nothing at all.
You slide down the wall, tear at the ground, say sorry over and over.
You get to your feet and begin the journey again.
You look behind you, he's not there.
You look ahead of you, he's still not there.
No matter how much you want to bring him back, he's not going to come back.
Words unsaid, touches never felt, forgiveness never found.
You still push on and on.
Sometimes you just can't run fast enough.