Water, Water Everywhere... In least I got to finally see PotC 4!

May 24, 2011 22:00

Konbanwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well. We're still getting rain, we're still flooding and now the water is about half way up the flag poles. We've got "lakes" all over and the water is about ready to touch the bottom of one of our bridges. My town actually resides where three rivers meet. Where I live we won't see really any of the water. However, the flooding has cut off five of my six routes to work. =-.-= Guess I should be happy we don't have a basement.

Went with my 'rents tonight to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4! For those of you who don't know, I'm a raving lunatic fan of the PotC series and most of all, the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow. The film was a rolicking good time, smart story, some truly funny moments and my slash addled brain had great plans for the potential in the Jack X Philip pairing. (Alas, since there is no Will in this film, I'll have to go 2nd best.) LNchan, I know that life is sucking big time for you with everything that has happened. I hope that you do finally get the chance to see the movie! =^^=

I decided I'm going to try and take up pasteling again. It was my "speciality" when I was an art major at university and it's been years since I've worked with the chalks. I was very good at it, I scored an average of 98% on every one of my projects. I saw an LotR pastel sketch at the cinema by a local artist and it made me miss working with the media. (And made my fangirl LotR brain geek out for a second as I observed Aragorn and then silently said, "Why is Frodo not in this pic?" XD)

Looks like Gramps can finally come home tomorrow and that's happy news. If everything goes well and he checks out okay, they'll release him in the afternoon. There's much to be happy about in that case!

Still working the next chapter of "Immortal." It's taking me a bit of time because of all the RL interruptions but it will hopefully be worth the wait! I have that new GTop fic niggling at my brain but can't multi-fic, so I'll let it there for the time being.

Oh, and once again, if you leave me a "screened comment" and I don't know you, I will delete the message without looking at it. I've had too many phishers trying to break into my account and it's getting really aggravating. =-.-=

I hope everyone has a good evening. I assure you all that I'm doing fine and our house is in tact. I took a couple photos of one area of the flooding and I'll try to get some more tomorrow, ne? Until then, ja ne for now! =~.^=V

stuff, life, pirates, potc, happy, busy, pirates of the caribbean

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