FIC: "The Quest for Inspiration" (Happy Birthday, Atenais_Pala!)

May 23, 2011 20:24

Konbanwa, minnasan, I hope everyone has had a lovely night! It's been a bit brutal here. We're already flooding and we'll be getting another three inches tonight! =O.o= Our river is currently well over the banks and is creeping steadily up toward our highway bridge. I haven't seen the water this high in about fifteen years!

But on a happier note, I wanted to wish my dearest atenais_pala a Happy Birthday! In honor of the day, I wrote you a little GTop fic, so I hope you enjoy!

Ja ne for now! =~.^=V

"The Quest for Inspiration"
By: Miracle Shining

PAIRING: Seunghyun/Jiyong
GENRE: Humor/Innuendo
LEGAL JUNK: Don't own, just borrowing.
SUMMARY: Jiyong needs inspiration for his new song and makes it his purpose to go and find it.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written for atenais_pala's birthday. I hope it was a good one!


Jiyong stared at the blank sheet in front of him. The pen rested on the desk virtually undisturbed. There was a small pile of crumpled white balls resting next to his leg. After a moment, he rolled forward and let his forehead land solidly on the flat surface.

The words weren't coming. No matter what technique he tried to get his mind to form the needed lyrics, nothing would come out correctly. He had even attempted a run around the block and came back with no lines. It was beginning to frustrate the rapper.

Yang had been very specific about the direction of their new song. It was to be very sexy, very suggestive but still have a bit of a playful vibe with a really strong dance track underneath. Though Jiyong never cared for taking directives from anyone, the idea caught his attention and he took the project underneath his wing.

The first variation of the song was due tomorrow and though he had managed to write out the general musical idea, there was still nothing to read with the notes. Jiyong drew in a dramatic sigh and then pushed away from the desk. He stretched in his chair and stood.

"Well, there's nothing for me to do now but hunt down what I need to write."

The Big Bang leader opened up his door and made his way down the stairs. He stopped at the bottom and glanced to the right. Daesung was standing in their small open kitchen stirring soup in a large pot. Jiyong brought his attention to the left. Seungri and Taeyang were playing a first person shooter on Seungri's game console.

Jiyong blew air upwards, his bangs fluttering as he made his way over to Daesung. The taller youth looked up and smiled at the man.

"Hey, Ji! Want to try this and tell me what you think?"

Jiyong gave an enthusiastic nod as Daesung brought a spoonful of the dish up to Jiyong's lips. The rapper took a sip and paused as the myriad of flavors blended pleasantly in his mouth. He grinned and Daesung's face lit up.


"Very, Dae. Really spicy and a little sweet at the same time."

"I think I might have to add a little bit more sugar to counteract the heat. Oh, how is the new song coming?"

"It's not." Jiyong groaned. "I know Yang wants the base melody and the lyrics by tomorrow and I've got no words. I've tried everything to get inspiration and none of my tactics are working."

"Maybe something will come to you after lunch?" Daesung suggested as he gestured to the pot.

"Maybe you're right. After all, you're cooking could make anyone want to stand on a hill and sing."

The taller giggled at that comment.

"That's a strange way to say it but it's kind of pretty."

"Pretty? Hmm, maybe that would be a good line for the song." Jiyong inwardly mused as he wandered into the main room.

He sat down on the chair positioned next to the couch. Seungri was sitting on the floor moving his arms frantically with the game controller trapped between his fingers. Taeyang was stretched out casually on furniture, his thumbs easily tapping out the direction of his character's weapon.

"How's it going?" Jiyong asked.

"Crushing Seungri was usual, Ji." Taeyang replied mildly.

"You're NOT crushing me! You've just got the advantage right now! Left! Left!! AUGH!!!"

"How goes the song, leader-sshi?" Taeyang questioned as he easily clicked through a button series without even looking at the screen.

"It isn't." the leader grumbled. "Daesung gave me a small idea but I don't think it will work with the music. You have anything that I could use?"

"Not off the top of my head." Taeyang admitted. "I do better when it comes to music that I've written but I'm sure something will come to you. Smooth and slow, Ri. Smooth and slow."

"Smooth and slow. That's kind of nice too. Would fit the song." Jiyong said to himself.

"YAH! Hyung, you're not playing fair!!" Seungri whined as his character exploded on the screen. "Jiyong, tell Bae to play nice!"

"You're the one who wanted to play this game to begin with." Taeyang interjected.

Seungri pouted for a moment. Jiyong laughed and leaned forward, holding out his arms. Seungri dropped the controller and scooted back to get a hug from the other.

"See, Ji-Hyung likes me better." Seungri stuck his tongue out at Taeyang.

"Well, maknae, do you have anything that I could use for the song?"

"No, I don't." Seungri blushed slightly. "You know I'm better at doing things like arranging than I am when it comes to writing lyrics. Hey, Bae!!! You can't start rolling me when I'm not even ready!"

Seungri pulled away from Jiyong's arms and grabbed his controller, cursing the whole way.

"That last comment could be really suggestive. It's not a bad idea." Jiyong thought.

There was a light knock on the door and the group turned to see Seunghyun peeking his head in. Everyone waved as the tallest, eldest member slipped inside and took off his shoes.

"Seungie!" Daesung chirped from the kitchen. "I thought you had a drama taping this morning!"

"It finished early." the other said warmly. "I knew you were trying out a new recipe so I brought over some dessert for after dinner. It's a creme cake with orange flavoring. It smelt really good."

Daesung scurried from the kitchen and across the room to take the parcel from his best friend.

"It'll be wonderful, I'm sure!"

"Hey, maybe Seunghyun-Hyung can help, Ji!" Seungri mentioned as he all but fell over trying to "dodge" one of Taeyang's virtual attacks.

"What do you need help with?" Seunghyun questioned.

The raven haired man leaned over the couch, watching the one-sided melee that Taeyang was delivering to Seungri.

"I still don't have lyrics for the new song and Yang wants to see the initial draft tomorrow. I'm not sure what to do."

"Have you tried running around the block?"

"Done that."

"Breathing exercise and meditation?"

"Done that."

"Listened to your favorite songs?"

"Done that."


"Done that."

"I'm running out of options here, Jiyong." Seunghyun chuckled. "What else is there?"

The smaller paused before his face lit up. The expression that appeared had Seunghyun raising one of his eyebrows.

"I've seen that look, Ji. What are you up too?"

"Inspire me!" Jiyong stated.

"Inspire you?"

"Yes, inspire me!"

Jiyong's excited nature had Taeyang pressing pause on his game controller just as Seungri was ready to attack his character. The youngest member cursed again before turning his attention to the two oldest of the group. Daesung leaned against the counter, his chin propped up on his folded hands.

"Is there any reason everyone is watching?" Seunghyun questioned.

"Inspire me!" Jiyong demanded.

The smaller stood with his hands on his hips. There was just a touch of challenge in his eyes. Seunghyun let out a little sigh and slid his jacket off his shoulders. He carefully placed the clothing over the back of the couch. He rotated his head a couple times and then shook out his shoulders. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Are you done yet?" Jiyong inquired.

"Give me a second, I just can't do this off the top of my head, you know."

"Do what?" Seungri asked curiously.

Seunghyun shook out the last little bit of tension from sitting in his car for too long. He cleared his throat and then nodded at Jiyong.

"So, inspire me!" Jiyong stated for the final time.

The tall man suddenly swept the leader against his body. Jiyong gasped loudly at the show of aggression. His body was fitted against Seunghyun's slender, honed form. The man's lips were parted just enough to whisper across Jiyong's lips.

"This touch, this one caress is all I need. To feel you moving beneath me, to hear you cry my name. Knowing that if I move a little further, press tighter, go deeper, it will never be enough. I'll always want more, crave more, need that tainted desire until it consumes us both and there's nothing left of you or me."

Jiyong's breath caught at the near blaze that flared in Seunghyun's dark eyes. The taller's hand drifted down to rest almost on the leader's rear, fingertips tantalizingly close.

"So give me what I want." Seunghyun barely growled. "Give me what I need and I will be your everything. Your heaven, your hell, your slave. As long as you will let me stay."

Daesung's hands fell out from under him. Taeyang dropped his controller. Seungri crawled up on the couch to get a closer look.

After a heated pause, Jiyong suddenly pulled back, his face cheerful.

"Thank you!" he said happily and clapped his hands. "Now I can go and finish the song."

"Any time." Seunghyun said.

Jiyong turned on his heels and all but skipped up the steps back to his room. Seunghyun wandered his way into the kitchen to see what Daesung was making in the pot. He glanced up to see his best friend staring at him. He looked across the main room to see Seungri and Taeyang wearing the same expression. They all seemed to be trying to say something and failing. Seunghyun lips quirked in his trademark half smile before he spoke.


one-shot, t.o.p., fan fiction, quest for inpsiration, g-top, g-dragon, big bang

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