NANOWRIMO: "Orchids" (Chapter Two)

Nov 02, 2010 15:43

Konbanwa, minnasan! I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I finished work, did my errands and still remembered to vote. I hope everyone who's registered takes the chance to do so!

Well, it's time for Chapter Two of my NaNo piece. I hope everyone enjoys and ja ne for now! =~.^=V

CHAPTER TWO: Club Orchid


Sam stared at himself in the coral accented mirror in the bathroom. It had been almost three hours since he had extricated his form from the ice cold shower. He wasn't able to take a nap from the visual distraction that he had received earlier in the day.

He ran his hand across his smooth chin. He reached down and picked up his glasses, carefully settling them across the bridge of his nose. He sighed as he straightened the front of his pressed white short sleeved shirt. He had a loose pair of cargo shorts on and a pair of flip flops. He wasn't planning on impressing anyone, he just wanted to get some information and try and get back to the states.

He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to picture what steps Katelain would have taken before she was murdered. He had always had a close bond with his twin until about ten years ago, when money matters involving their family fortune had virtually severed their ties. He hadn't even spoken to his sister before she was killed.

Sam ran his hand over his face trying to still the tears rising up in his throat. It was too late to take back any angry words or arguments. He had to keep going forward. Even if he never got to say sorry to Katelain in person, he would make it up to her in death.

"I'm sorry, Katey Kay." he thought to himself, using his sister's nickname. "I know what I said those years back was in stupidity. I can only hope I can bring you to justice."

The brunette turned and flicked off the light in the bathroom. The sun was beginning to descend, painting the Caribbean skies a gorgeous array of vibrant oranges and warming reds. Sam wanted to go out to the balcony and watch. However, after seeing the man with his lady companion, he wasn't so anxious to venture outside again.

The strange man with the mixed colored eyes.

Sam quickly shook his head, trying to force that lustful expression the other gave him out of his head. Obviously the man must have been with his girlfriend.

"Maybe he's the type who gets off being watched." Sam mused, then felt his cheeks pink from his own thought.

A quiet knock on his door caught his attention. He moved through the main hall and into the living room. A blonde haired woman wearing a very low cut and very short black mini waved at Sam through the window.

Sam smiled slightly and walked over, opening the door.

"Sorry, I didn't see you right away."

"Oh, that's okay, Sam!" Elaine perked up. "I just wanted to make sure I got you down to the party in time! Wow, is that what you're wearing?"

The young man couldn't hardly take his eyes off Elaine's flattering figure in the rather skimpy outfit. He cleared his throat and glanced down at his clothing briefly.

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"No, it's fine. You're just wearing so much more than the other guests."


"Never mind, you'll see for yourself! Come on, the fun's about to start!" Elaine grinned.

Sam was playfully pulled out the front door. He padded his shirt for his key card and then quickly grabbed the door knob, pulling it shut behind him.

"Where are we exactly going, Elaine?"

"To the hottest spot on Isle de Seuna, of course. The Welcome Party and pretty much anything else that's wild and hot goes on at Club Orchid."

"Club Orchid?"

Elaine walked beside Sam as the duo reached the bottom of the stone path. The little golf cart was waiting for them. They climbed in and Elaine started up the engine. The twosome began their winding path back down towards the main area of the resort.

"Absolutely! In fact, Club Orchid is the main reason that 99% of our guests even come here."

"What's so special about it?"

"The food, the drinks, the party. But most of all, it's our music and dancing."

"Really?" Sam asked curiously.

"Our DJ? He's one of a kind."


"You have GOT to meet him, Sam. He's pretty picky about the guests, but I'm good friends with him, so I could introduce you."

"Really Elaine, that's not the reason I'm here."

Elaine gave Sam a sympathetic smile.

"I know why you're here, Sam. But drowning yourself in sorrow and misery and only focusing on your one job will make you bitter. I'm not saying forget what happened to Katelain here. Just try and get the feel for our island before you pass judgment about us. We're good people, but one of us just must have turned bad."

Sam thought about Elaine's words and then gave her a tiny nod. She reached out one of her hands and patted his leg gently.

"Have a little fun tonight and then work like crazy tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." Sam agreed.

"Well, we're here!" she pointed out brightly.

Sam blinked as they pulled up to a very chic black glassed building. The framework was post modernistic with a certain island flair. Guests and staff alike were entering one after another into the building. Sam now understood Elaine's question about his clothing. Most of the women, even those well past the appropriate age, were clad in skin tight dresses that barely covered anything. The gentlemen weren't much better, many of them wearing nothing more than painted on jeans and perhaps a tank top. Sam looked down at his own clothing and realized how much he was going to stick out among this crowd.

"George, George!" Elaine waved.

A large man with thick black dreads pulled away from his hair wearing a black Security shirt saw Elaine waving. His white teeth glimmered against his dark lives.

"Ah, there's my lady. Where have you been, Elaine? The party isn't even getting started without you." he said, his island accent very thick.

"I had to pick up one of our V.I.P. guests. George, this is Samuel Beck."

Sam held out his hand shyly. George reached out and shook, his large hand easily engulfing Sam's smaller, more slender one.

"It's good to meet you, man." George said warmly. "We hope that we can be of service while you're doing you research here. If you need anything from us, you just let us know."

"Um, thanks." Sam said quietly.

"No problem. Elaine, take him to the V.I.P. lounge. You'll love it there, you get to watch our DJ in action."

Sam nodded as Elaine scooted him past George and into the building. Despite the club atmosphere, there was currently no music playing. Everyone was milling about getting drinks from the bar or waiting for the cocktail waitresses to make their rounds.

"This way, Sam!" his blonde companion pointed.

Sam followed Elaine through the wealthy crowd and up a curling flight of stairs. She paused only a second before swiping her employee key card through the door. The glass slid open and she gestured for Sam to go inside.

The brunette young man entered and looked around his surroundings. The chamber had large silver couches covered in comfortable pillows. There was a private bar with a bartender standing behind it. The older man had silver hair but a nice smile. He bowed immediately to Sam and Elaine.

"Master Beck, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Sam, please." Sam responded almost instinctively.

"Sam." the bartender nodded. "Master Ramirez will be joining you in a moment. It's his tradition to start the Welcome Party."

"Is there anyone else who's going to be up here?" Sam asked Elaine.

"Usually just Marco and maybe Sadie." she replied.


"Oh, she's one of Marco's dancers. You'll love her, she's so funny!" Elaine grinned.

The blonde beauty gestured for Sam to take a seat on the couch.

"Would you like anything, Sam?" the bartender asked.

"Um, just water please. I don't drink." he said softly.

"One water." the bartender nodded.

"I've got to attend to some other things at the moment, Sam, but I'll be back up later. Just get comfortable and enjoy the opening ceremony of the Welcome Party, okay?"

Sam didn't even have time to respond before Elaine was a flurry of little black dress and blonde hair out the door. He tried to relax back into the overstuffed couch cushions. The elder man retreated from behind the bar and offered Sam a bottle of water.

"You're a first timer, aren't you, Sam?" the bartender questioned.

"This was the kind of thing my sister enjoyed. I was much happier behind a desk with a computer screen in front of me."

"Your sister's loss was very tragic. I hope that the people of the Isle can do anything we can to help."

"Did you know my sister?"

"Not really, but she treated me kindly when she did talk to me."

Sam wondered internally how well known his sister was on the island. It seemed even most of the staff knew of her. Then again, the island was small and privately owned and the staff seemed to be only of about forty people total. People were bound to continually run into one another.

"Ah, Sam, they're going to start the Welcome Party."

Sam's attention turned out toward the large bay windows. He watched as the crowd's attention turned to the front and the sound began to die down.

Marco appeared from the side of the stage. He waved and the crowd offered a warm round of applause punctuated by the occasional cheer.

"My friends, my dear friends, welcome once again to the Isle de la Seuno. It is my fondest wish that we serve you and all of your dreams. Tonight is the welcoming celebration of your week long sojourn with us. Whatever you desire, we will be more than glad to help you accomplish. Tonight, let the champagne flow and laughter be bright. But alas, my words get ahead of me. You are all here for another very important event. Let us give a round of applause to the Isle's star, our DJ, Ghost!"

The lights went down on the floor as the crowd stood in expectation. A few spotlights flickered distantly before a low base began thrumming. Sam swore even with the sound lessening windows he could feel the vibrations seep right into his legs. The lights began to move around the floor as a treble began to resonate through the base. A slight couple scratches on a record and the dance lights flew up.

There, standing behind a massive collection of turntables and remix systems was a man with extremely long hair, sun kissed skin, a slightly unkept goatee and a mismatched set of eyes. In his hair, behind his left ear, a white exotic orchid was tucked. Sam felt his air catch in his chest.

The crowd went wild as the DJ flipped his hair back and began to spin the music. The sound seemed to envelope every aspect of the club. It was hypnotic and strangely erotic. Wine bottles and highly expensive champagne began flowing freely as the guests packed the floor, writhing against each other as if it was their last night on earth.

Sam didn't know how long he watched the stunning DJ spin his records. His body rocked and swayed like water, hands darting back and forth over a series of switches, knobs and turntables. Each new song melded into the previous, creating a kind of building climatic environment on the dance floor.

"Sam, are you all right?"

Sam startled and almost slipped right out of his cushioned chair. He choked back a yelp as Marco held up his hands to calm him.

"Please forgive me, Sam! I didn't mean to scare you!"

"N-n-no, it's okay! I'm just a bit jumpy when I get in new places." Sam replied, showing yet another level of colored embarrassment.

"You seemed to be very entranced by the music. Our DJ is very unique to our island. I can guarantee no one can create the flurry of sound the way he can in any other resort." Marco sounded proudly.

The smaller brunette gave a short nod of agreement to the Latin man. Marco smiled widely and then gestured to a smaller person behind him.

"How absolutely rude of me! I forgot to introduce my companion to you. Sam, this is my dearest friend, Sandra Yamaguchi."

Sam looked up to see a gorgeous Japanese woman with bleached, platinum blonde hair up in thick curls on her head. She had a white orchid tucked into the hair. Her almond shaped eyes were covered in green circle lenses. Unlike most Japanese women, her skin was a warm shade of amber. Long nails covered in glitter and stones rested against her curved hips. She wore a beautiful silken violet kimono covered in more orchids, dangling a little rakishly off her shoulders. On her feet were pin toe diamond studded heels.

"Please, call me 'Sadie," Sandra sounds so boring." the woman replied.

Sam immediately stood and bowed quickly before offering his hand. Sadie swept up close to him and almost curled against his frame.

"Sadie, really!" came a now familiar voice.

Sam wondered how much darker his face could get as Elaine almost stormed over, trying to detach the semi-clinging Sadie.

"Oh come on, Lanie. I was just having a little fun!" Sadie pouted.

"You'll have to excuse Sadie, she sees anyone new and tends to think they want her in their private sphere."

"Ladies, be nice." Marco chided playfully.

"I-i-it's very nice to meet you." Sam stuttered.

"You're absolutely adorable! But Sam won't do. Let's see, I’ll call you Sammy!" Sadie pointed at him, a twinkle in her eye.

The young man knew there was going to be no point in arguing with the woman. He gave a small smile and nodded.

"So, are you enjoying it here?" Sadie asked as she seated herself next to Sam, draping her front partially across his chest.

"I-i-it's very nice." Sam responded nervously.

"Once again, please excuse her, she's being a little nosy this evening." Elaine snapped at her friend.

"Ladies." Marco stated more firmly.

Sadie just rolled her green eyes and lifted from the couch.

"None of you are any fun tonight! We should all be dancing, Ghost is in rare form tonight! It's like sex on the tiled floor down there."

"Speaking of which, looks like our DJ is taking a break. Make sure you invite him up in a few minutes, Elaine?" Marco said with a smile.

"I've got a better idea! Come on, Sam, let's go down and talk to him!"

"No, that's fine!" Sam quickly retorted. "I mean, I wouldn't want to bother him on his break and..."

"We won't take 'No' for an answer, Sammy!" Sadie interjected. "Now come on, you'll be the envy of Club Orchid with two glamorous girls like us on your arms."

"Just bring Sam back to the V.I.P. suite in one piece." Marco grinned.

Sam looked to the elder bartender for some out, but he was pretending he wasn't seeing anything at the moment. Elaine grasped Sam's left arm and Sadie wrapped around his right.

"Off to catch ourselves a Ghost!" Sadie declared.

The trio made their way out the door and down the winding staircase. The dance floor had thinned considerably as the music was simply being streamlined out the speakers. The exclusive patrons were looking rather tipsy, many of them starting to entertain themselves much more intimately with both each other and the sexy staff.

Elaine and Sadie pulled Sam up to the slick looking bar. Vibrant colored lights shown through the smoked glass, creating an array of sparkling colors. An extremely handsome bartender wearing nothing more than a bowtie and a pair of painted on jeans turned to look at the group.

"Well, well, if it's not my two favorite fellow employees. And you've brought a very good looking friend." the man smirked.

Sam coughed a little at the comment. The bartender let out a hearty laugh and reached across, patting him on the arm.

"It's my job to flirt, man. Don't worry about it too much."

"Hey, Billy, we're looking for Ghost. Have you seen him?" Elaine asked.

"A few moments ago. He grabbed a rum and Coke and headed off with 'you know who' for a bit."

Billy emphasized the point by rubbing his two fingers together and then making a "cha-ching" noise with his voice.

"You'd swear she'd wear him out by now, wouldn't you?" Sadie mused.

Sam felt completely lost in the midst of the conversation. Billy saw the confusion and grinned as he brought up a bottle of Jamaican rum and a small glass filled with ice.

"Best keep your friend in the loop, ladies. You see, our DJ Ghost has himself a little Sugar Mum."

"Sugar Mum?" Sam returned curiously.

"It's slang for a much older woman, Sammy." Sadie giggled. "Ghost has been providing his own brand of unique services to her on a daily basis. He gets some really good 'tips' for doing so then."

"So he gets paid to, um, you know..." Sam said quietly.

"He gets paid to screw her brains out, yup!" Sadie returned.

"SADIE!" Elaine cried.

"Hey, I just tell it like it is."

"Trust me, man." Billy continued, "You won't miss this lady for anything. She's probably the richest person visiting the resort."

"Second richest, now." Elaine stated. "Sam here is our richest guest."

"Cheers to you then, man." Billy responded as he poured some of the amber rum into a glass and offered it to Sam. "Drink up."

"Oh, I really don't drink."

"Just one, Sammy? For me, please?" Sadie batted her false eyelashes at the other.

Sam looked at the liquid and then took the glass. He quickly tipped it back and choked as he nearly slammed the small glass on the counter. He let out a hard cough and tapped his chest.

"Geez, Sadie, are you trying to kill him?!" Elaine demanded.

Sam waved his hand that he was going to be okay. His eyes were watering and the back of his throat burned, but in least he was still up right after the alcoholic hit.

"Speak of the devil, here comes the red mistress right now."

Sam rubbed his eyes as a rather ample red haired woman came sashaying toward the bar. She was definitely older but had some significant work done to her face to try and cover up the aging process. A thick necklace loaded down with tiny diamonds tucked into her large bust line. Her strapless gown barely held her chest in and one of her long legs stuck out the side of the dresses' slit.

"Billykins, I need a drink. I'm absolutely exhausted after my little play date and need to warm up again."

The bartender opened a bottle of expensive champagne and poured a tall glass. The red haired woman simply pressed past Sam, her breasts almost squishing against his chest. He tried to look everywhere but at the woman.

He recognized her figure and hair as being the lady he had seen Ghost pleasuring earlier in the day.

"Anything else, Rita?"

"No, that's fine." the woman named Rita replied.

She retreated just as dramatically, curved hips shaking as she sauntered back across the dance floor, pushing through couples that may be in her way.

"What he sees in her besides her money is beyond me." Elaine grumbled.

"Ooh, ooh, I love this song!" Sadie bounced suddenly. "Lanie, come dance with me!"

"But what about Sam?"

"You'll be okay here for a bit, won't you, Sammy? Ghost never plays this song and I always want to dance to it."

"S-sure, I'll be okay." Sam replied.

Before Elaine could object, the Japanese woman was dragging her toward the now partially crowded dance floor.

"Those two are the best of friends and fight continual. Match made in heaven." Billy chuckled before moving to the end of the bar to take a series of orders.

Sam looked at his empty rum glass. He felt too hot in the club and the scents that were beginning to intermingle were making his stomach turn. He really didn't want to be here, he needed to focus on the real reason he was on the island.

"Katelain." he thought quietly to himself.

A body moved right next to him and leaned against the bar. He was so lost in thought he didn't pay attention to the other, his fingers tracing a small pattern on the smoked glass below his hand.

"It won't fill itself, man."

Sam blinked and turned to look at a vibrant purple eye and a milky white one. His mouth opened up in a sound before he quickly spun his head and began to stare back down into the glass. He couldn't even will his eyes to turn to the left of him.

"You're in that Villa above mine, aren't you?" the man asked, his island accent obvious.

Sam barely nodded.

The other didn't say anything to Sam for a few moments. His long dark hair moved over his shoulders. The smaller risked a side glance with his eyes. In the glimmering lights of the bar he could make out a tribal tattoo around the other's upper arm. He moved his eyes back down to the glass.

"Is that your thing, man?"

"....pardon?" Sam barely whispered.

"Watching. You like to do that kind of thing?"

The young man felt his face flush and he immediately pushed from the bar, looking at the larger man.

"NO!" he said rather loudly.

The tall man simply maneuvered and stood to face Sam. He was a good foot taller than him and his physique was chiseled and cut underneath the clingy tank top.

"But you watched any ways, didn't you?" he pressed.

"You two were outside!" Sam pointed out.

"Didn't make you stand there." the other said smoothly.

"Forget it, just... Just forget it." Sam resigned.

Sam felt a headache pulling at his temples. The music was too loud and the little rum he had ingested was making him feeling light headed. The lights spun too fast and it felt like a terrible echo reeling in the rear of his head.

"I just... I just need to get outside... Just need..."

The brunette took a couple steps from the bar and his knees gave way. He didn't realize that the man beside him reached out his arms to catch his fall. He could distantly hear words whispered in his ear.

" didn't mean I didn't like you watching..."

Sam's world went quietly black.

cale "ghost" touluse, original fiction, orchids, nanowrimo, samuel beck

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