NANOWRIMO: "Orchids" (Prologue and Chapter One)

Nov 01, 2010 16:14

Konnichiwa, minnasan! I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! It was a busy All Hallow's Eve in my store! Usually we don't really have that much business during Halloween, but the weather was so nice, everyone came out to trick or treat! =^^= (However, I had to take everything down at home today. I'll miss my tombstones until next year. XD)

For my NaNoWriMo fellow participants, we are off and running officially today! =^^=V So, here is my first part of my entry. I will continue to update hopefully on a daily basis. But for now, the prologue and chapter one of my Mystery/Erotic Lit piece, "Orchids." Enjoy!

By: Taffy "Miracle Shining" Anderson

RATING: PG-13 to NC-17
GENRE: Mystery/Suspense/Thiller/Romance
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Original piece of fiction not for reprint or distribution without writer's permission.



PROLOGUE: Trapping Flowers

The sun set slowly over a dark blue tinged ocean. The waves lapped lazily on the sandy beach, occasionally dragging out a starfish or lost seashell with it's evening tide.

A young woman walked silently down the wetted sand. The water sometimes barely touched the side of her bare feet. Her long, wavy brown hair extended past her shoulders as a wisp of salt touched air caught her locks. She turned her deep brown eyes to gaze at the rapidly fading sun. Her lips pursed into a wistful expression as she continued walking. Her eyes were focused on a series of palm trees swaying in the distance.

She paused to breathe in the evening air when a sound caught her attention. Slowly, she turned to see what was approaching her from behind. The blue floral print sundress drifted out from her as she moved a rebellious strand of hair from in front of her eyes.

"Hello." came a voice.

She studied the person in front of her before giving them a slightly sad smile. She waited where she was standing until the other approached.

"A little late to be out, isn't it?" the visitor questioned.

"You know I like these evening walks by the beach. It clears my head."

"Mind if I join you?"

"No, that's fine."

The young woman and the visitor began their path back down the sandy shoals. They walked in agreeable silence until they reached a small outstretch of rocks just before the palm trees she had been focused on.

"You're wearing gloves tonight. Are your hands bothering you again?" the woman asked curiously.

The other nodded, rubbing them together. They smiled then and pointed toward the horizon.

"Want to take a look at the ocean?" the other suggested.

"I don't know. Those rocks look pretty steep."


"You know I am."

"If I promise to not let you go, do you want to go and look at the water?"

The woman thought about it and gazed out toward the almost navy ocean. She paused for a moment and gave a nod. The guest reached out their hand and she took it delicately.

The duo crawled over some of the wave blasted rocks. The surface was slick to her bare foot's touch and twice she stumbled. The visitor caught her carefully before bringing her close to their side. She quickly wrapped her arms around their waist as they reached the crest of the outcrop.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the other asked softly.

The young woman had her eyes clenched tightly. Her arms were shaking as she continued to cling to the person's waist. The other tried to untangle her arms.

"Katelain, you're going to have to let me go and open your eyes if you want to see."

The lady drew in a deep breath and forced open her eyes. The now appearing stars sparkled against the shimmering waves of the ocean. She felt herself caught up in the moment and slowly began to release the other's waist. Willing her fear down, she took a couple small tentative steps toward the edge of the highest rock.

"It's amazing." she whispered.

"See, Katelain, there's nothing to be afraid of." the other said, their voice lowering considerably.

She nodded in agreement as she edged a little closer to the precipice. The stars continue to glimmer like suspended fireflies in the sky. She took in a deep breath and willed herself to look down where the stone cut off. There was only a small drop off before one would fall into the water. Many visitors often used the rocks as a place to dive off of. She barely smiled as her toe tapped against the very end of the rock.

She was so focused on looking at the edge that she paid no heed to the other approaching silently behind her. She felt a set of hands rest on her shoulders. The action startled her enough that she almost slipped.

"Hey!" she cried. "Careful!"

"I'm sorry, Katelain. But don't worry, this will all be over soon."

The young woman's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Suddenly, the person behind her spun her around. She found herself staring at harsh, unreadable eyes. Fear immediately seized her and her heart began to rapidly pound in her chest.

"W-what are you doing?" she stuttered.

"You've always been so kind to me since you came, Katelain. Thank you for that. This is nothing personal."

The woman's eyes went wide as one of the gloved hands released her shoulder. In between their fingers was a beautiful white orchid. The hand suddenly came over her nose and mouth, forcing the flower in between her teeth and ramming it partially into her airway. She began to struggle against the person even as the other's free hand gripped around her throat.

The pressure began to bite into her neck and she struggled harder. Her vision was beginning to blur as the other hand continued to press harder and harder against her mouth and nose. She visibly flinched as the palm forced her lips back on her teeth, causing the flesh to tear through. The orchid seemed to jam farther and farther down her throat. The other hand applied even more pressure on her windpipe. The air began to seep from her lungs and come to an end before reaching her mouth or nose. Small dots of light began to flicker back and forth in front of her eyes. She couldn't tell which direction was up any more as a feeling of vertigo struck her from every angle.

"Rest in peace, Katelain Summers." her attacker said mildly.

The choking hands released her and she stumbled backwards, falling off the short incline. Her back struck the water and she tried to struggle upwards. Her neck was too damaged and air was not coming into her throat. She swallowed a large gulp of water as she struggled to stay afloat. Her head bobbed under again as she gripped at her neck. The saltwater burned through her nose and cut mouth. She could feel a weight against her chest as she futilely tried to pull herself above the surface again.

She could feel her lungs giving way. The navy water was becoming black to her blinding eyes. Her heart began to beat slower and slower. She could feel the pressure of the water dragging her downwards. Once again, she tried to reach up but all she could feel was a force pulling her away from her body.

" me..." she whispered to herself.

The world went black as her lungs ceased to breath and her heart came to an abrupt stop.

The other looked down for a moment longer before walking away, stepping carefully down the rocky cliff and making their way down the beach. They didn't turn around, simply flipped open their cell phone and placed a call.

Katelain Summers's body was found three days later, caught up in a shoal, covered by seaweed and eaten partially through. The only clue the police had was a torn mysterious white orchid found lodged in her throat.



(Two Years Later)

The plane began to circle around a beautiful, lush green island. A young man with brown hair and deep brown eyes looked out. He pushed his wire frame glasses farther up his nose. He could sense the building heat through the window. He pulled at the neck of his t-shirt and tried to get comfortable. In his lap was a folder containing a series of newspaper clippings. He opened it up for the twelfth time since boarding the plane.

The first headlines were bolded in gigantic letters with accompanying photos. Gradually, the articles became smaller and smaller until some of the clippings were no more than a couple paragraphs. He read the headlines silently to himself.

Billionaire Heiress Katelain Beck Summers Disappears During Trip to a Private Island in the Caribbean.

Heiress Katelain Beck Summers' Body Found in Shoals. No Leads in Case, Foul Play Suspected.

Heiress Katelain Beck Summers' Case has No Official Leads. Authorities Working Around Clock. Husband Raymond Summers Demands Justice for Wife's Death.

The young man shifted through the next couple headlines to a page long clipping. He studied the picture, pausing to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Heiress Katelain Beck Summers Laid to Rest on the Today. She is survived only by her widower husband Raymond Summers and her identical twin brother, Samuel Beck. The couple had no children.

He flipped through the articles, the lengths and titles becoming shorter and shorter. The dates progressed until one that was dated only six months ago. The article was no longer than half a column with a small heading.

The Cold Case of Katelain Beck Summers Still Unsolved. The Beck Family Fortune Currently Suspended.

The young man sighed softly as he closed the folder and rested it on his lap. A pretty stewardess with lovely dark skin and a prim hairstyle stopped by his seat.

"Mr. Beck, the plane is going to begin it's descent."

"Thank you." he said softly to the attendant.

He placed the folder on the empty seat next to him. The plane was small, containing only a handful of people, all of them extremely wealthy.

He gazed out at the sprawling water surrounding the island as the plane began it's descent. It took only minutes before the first bounce on a small runway could be felt. He choked down a wave of nausea at the skidding sensation before the vehicle came to a slow, gentle stop. He stood along with the other guests as the door flew open.

He was the last one to exit, the sun shining in and blinding him briefly. He blinked back the spots to see a gorgeous, green and colorful landscape in front of him. The smell of the sea, a fresh fruits and exotic scents almost overpowered his nose. A group of dark skinned men with long dreadlocks bounced out a bright tune on steel drums as the guests began their journey down to the floral laden paths leading out from the runway.

A man dressed in a sharp gray suit with a black tie was waiting at the end of the path. He had caramel skin and quiet brown eyes. His hair was raven but had tinges of silver dancing around the edges and mixing in with the strands around his ears. He smiled widely, white teeth shining against the sun as the guests and the young man began to gather.

"Welcome, welcome my friends to the Caribbean!" the man clapped his hands together. "My name is Marco Ramirez, owner and wish granter of the exclusive Isle de al Seuno! During you stay, let us make all your dreams come true!"

The wealthy group let out a round of applause. Attendants dressed in crisp white uniforms began to gather, each assigned to a specific couple or group. The young man listened to the laughter, finding it difficult to join in the general enthusiasm.

"Samuel Beck?" came a voice to his right.

He looked over to see a petite young woman wearing the same white uniform. Her blonde hair was tied up in a very nice ponytail and she had pretty green eyes. She smiled warmly at the young man.

"Yes." Sam replied back softly.

"Hi, my name is Elaine. I've been assigned as your personal attendant during your stay here on the Isle."

"Oh no, that's all right. I don't need anything like that. Not that I don't appreciate it." Sam almost stumbled over his words, a touch of shyness showing in his face.

"We refuse to take 'no' as an answer, Mr. Beck." a deep voice suddenly responded beside him.

Sam turned to see Marco standing next to him. The man held out his hand and Sam shook it lightly.

"First of all, it's an honor to have you staying at my resort, Mr. Beck."

"Just Sam is fine." he replied quickly.

"Ah, Sam then. Secondly, I want to offer my deepest condolences on the loss of your twin sister. I am sorry that the mystery has not been figured out and that the culprit is still at large."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ramirez."

"No, no, call me Marco." the older man returned. "Please, you may have use of all my faculties and any staff you need for your research. Do not hesitate to ask us, we will do everything in our power to help find your sister's killer."

Sam gave a nod as Marco once again shook his hand, this time much firmer.

"But I can imagine you are exhausted from your flight. Elaine, take him to the Villa! He deserves a nice rest. Are you hungry, Sam?"

"Not at the moment. I would like a shower and then maybe take a nap."

"Excellent! You'll be joining us as the Welcoming Party tonight, won't you?"

"I'm not sure if I..."

"Nonsense! It's the last that we can do before you spend the rest of your trip working. Come and enjoy a little of what the isle has to offer, all right?"

Sam gave a slight nod in response. He felt a little strange about trying to enjoy himself when his sole purpose was to find out what had happened to his sister, Katelain.

"Elaine, please, take Sam to rest. I will see you tonight."

Marco bowed elegantly before turning and joining an elderly couple, walking down the path and chatting to them in fluent Spanish.

"Mr. Beck?" Elaine questioned.

"No, just Sam." he replied.

"Your bags will be delivered by a porter to the Villa. We thought it would be best if you were located in the most private of areas. There is only one other place where you will be residing."

Elaine gestured to a small golf cart. Sam followed her and he climbed in next to the pretty girl. She started the small little engine and the duo began driving down the floral lined pathways.

"I'm really sorry about your sister, Katelain."

"Thanks." Sam said very softly. "Did you know her?"

"Not really. But she always gave me a really good tip." Elaine replied. "She seemed like she was very nice."

"She was." Sam returned.

The two didn't speak much as they made their way down two curving 'S' shaped turns. The golf cart then began a small ascent up a palm tree covered hill before coming to stop at a little entry way. Elaine turned off the engine.

"Well, we're here."

Sam looked around curiously. He couldn't see any buildings in the vicinity. All that was visible were some exotic flowers, full waving trees and the sound of the ocean nearby.

"Where is 'here' exactly?" Sam asked.

"Oh, right!" Elaine chirped. "I keep forgetting! We have to walk up the path a little ways. The cart won't fit up the walkway."

Sam distantly wondered if perhaps if the rumors about blondes were actually true. The young lady gestured toward a smooth stone covered path. They twosome made their way up another small hill. They stopped at the top and Sam felt his mouth open in a soundless 'oh' shape.

A beautiful open front villa with bamboo accents greeted his eyes. Broad picturesque windows showed gorgeous island inspired furniture sitting in the waiting room.

"Ready to go inside?" Elaine asked.

Sam made a sound of agreement, still blinking in disbelief.

"How did you do this so no one can see it?" Sam questioned.

"I really don't know. This is Marco's prize architectural design. It's amazing, isn't it? Supposedly this Villa is one of a kind. Everything in here is top of the line."

Sam and Elaine reached the porch, climbing up onto the bamboo lined walkway. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pass card.

"This key will unlock both the front door here as well as the back door. There is an emergency exit in case of a fire to the south end of the house. Wi-Fi and all other electronics will work at superb efficiency. Room service is available 24 hours as well as a masseuse or masseur. I am your personal attendant and liaison for anything you require that we have yet to provide for you. The porter should have already brought your bags and placed your items in both the bedroom and bathroom. There is an eternity pool out back that spills into a reservoir that leads into the ocean. The Welcome Party will begin at 9 p.m. If you would like, I can come and pick you up then."

Something a little devilish gleamed in Elaine's eyes. Sam caught it and wondered if his cheeks were as flushed as he was feeling.

"N-n-no, I mean, yes, I mean! Yes, that would be fine but no, you don't have to go to any trouble."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all, Sam!" Elaine grinned. "We here at Isle de la Seuno live to give everyone their dream. No matter what it might be."

She finished the sentence with a wink. Sam swore his face had to be bright red as the lovely blonde handed him the pass card.

"Have a good shower and rest, Sam. I'll be back to get you a little before 9 p.m., all right?"

"O-okay." the young man stuttered.

He watched as Elaine descended the staircase and disappeared down the stone walkway. He inwardly cursed himself for being so clumsy around the young woman. He shook his head and slid the keycard through the door. The lock clicked and the door slid silently open. The smell of fresh cut mangos and clean linens greeted Sam's nose.

The brunette made his way into the building and closed the door behind him. The main living room had very modernistic furniture with a Caribbean flare. The kitchen was fully functional, with lovely black streamlined appliances. He wandered down a short hall and stuck his head into the bathroom. A glass encased shower that allowed a person to look out into the heavy Caribbean jungle greeted his eyes. He wandered past and looked into his bedroom. A king sized bed along with palm tree covered comforters and a thick, plush chair for reading caught his attention.

Sam moved through the house until he reached the deck on the other side. He stepped out and looked down at the eternity pool. The water peacefully cascaded out the edge into another small pool only a couple feet below. The water then flowed out from that area into a small stream that gliding aimlessly down the foliage covered hill.

"Too bad I can't swim." Sam mused inwardly.

He never knew why Katelain had been drawn to the islands to begin with. Sam already thought the weather was too hot and the air was too humid. He wasn't very sure he liked all the heavy thick smells. His glasses were already sliding down his face and he could feel a trickle of sweat drip off his pale forehead.

"Great, I'll probably get a sunburn to boot." he grimaced.

Sam's turned his head to the right and saw a small hut styled building with a balcony. It was very modest compared to his residence.

"That must be the other place Elaine mentioned."

He tilted his head as he saw some movement. Sam crossed to the farthest side of his balcony. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, unsure if what he was seeing was real.

A red-haired woman with an ample figure was bent over the back of the railing. She was panting and groaning, arms and legs entangled around another body.

Sam felt his face immediately turn crimson. He had hear rumors that island life made some people lose their inhibitions. He swallowed and knew instinctively he should turn away.

The woman let out another groan of pleasure as the body she was wrapped around began to move harder. Sam went to avert his eyes when the other looked up from the woman's shoulder.

The brunette was frozen in his spot.

The man had extremely long, deep brunette hair. His skin was a sun kissed tan. His face had a barely trimmed dark goatee. However, even at the short distance, Sam could make out his eyes. Left eye a vibrant purple, right eye a milky white.

Sam's hand came over his mouth as he felt his lower half stir. The man just looked at Sam and began to thrust into the panting woman harder and harder. His lips suddenly curled upwards, a wicked smile painting his expression. The woman cried out, climaxing loudly in the man's arms. He continued to watch Sam as he pressed into the supple form a few more times before releasing himself.

The woman murmured soft praises to the male. However, the man simply nodded as he glanced Sam up and down. His tongue darted from his lips and he licked the bottom one suggestively.

The young man spun quickly from the balcony, fleeing back into the villa. He ran directly into the bathroom, spinning the knobs and turning on the cold water. He jumped in, not caring he was still wearing his clothes. The water bit into his skin, causing him to shiver.

He could still see the man's eyes even as he tried to calm himself. The look he had given him made Sam shudder inwardly.

He felt like he was being set on fire. And that he never wanted it to end.

cale "ghost" touluse, original fiction, orchids, nanowrimo, samuel beck

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