Konnichiwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I just got back from purchasing the final fabric needed for my competition cosplay. Overall, the costume comes to about $250, which isn't bad considering the amount of detail work and different fabrics I've been having to use. My coat is 85% completed, and should be done by the middle of next week so I can start on the odd undershirt. Hardest part? Probably making the hat as I've never really constructed one from scratch.
Also, thank you
march_kyo aka March for the two new brilliant "Like Blood to Water" videos! I squealed with the new one, it was so elegant! Especially the past life images of Yunho and Yoochun, amazing!
Now, this is more directed to my dear LNchan as I don't know if she's had the chance to see this yet. For those you who haven't known me for a long time, I'm a HARDCORE Lord of the Rings geeks. Like so major it's not even funny.
Anyhoo, for you LNchan, there are "fan films." There are "FAN FILMS." And then there is this in all of it's epic (Only cost $5000 to make) film! I hope you enjoy it!
Click to view
Ja ne for now! =~.^=V