This is how we do it baby

Apr 26, 2006 14:56

An update of sorts

Am feeling tired, achey and bloated. I kinda feel "hgot flashish" but not really. I want to go home really really bad, but not to watch "24" which Marc really wants to watch. I can not stand the wife on Season 1 (because we are so far behind the times and didn't start watching it until Marc's dad kept asking "Have you seen it, have you seen it? It's soooo good") So, if you know who I am talking about, she has got to be one of the most annoying characters I have ever been forced to watch on a show. "Where's Jack?! I need to talk to him?? What? You need me to help you carry this man that has just been shot into this van? But what about MEEEE??? And where is my daughter? She's dead!!! I saw the car blow up!!! What? She's ok? Where is she? Can I talk to her? Waaaaahhhhh!!! I'm pregnant, but I am going to be whiny and annoying and I'm not going to tell Jack." There have been so many missed oppurtunities to kill her, and every single one has disappointed me.

Ok, enough rant about why "24" is not the best show on television *cough* LOSTis *cough*

2 new guys are going to be working here. Anthony and David. No comment as of yet on them. However, I should be working on appointing them with our other companies, but instead I would rather read things online. And wish I was home. And not watch 24. Instead I am here and Tom is really getting on my last nerve, but then again, isn't he always?


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