Sometimes I wish I just didn't have legs - oh wait, never mind, I'm lying

Apr 12, 2006 16:00

So, here is an update! Yay, everyone clap your hands!
This weekend was pretty good. On Saturday, Marc and I went and saw the movie "Stay Alive". It was pretty decent for a "horror" movie. There were 2 teenage girls that did nothing but scream really loud and kick the seats. I can't really remember anything more than that. I guess that's because Sunday really sucked. I am sure everyone can understand that when something happens that absolutely ruins your day, you kinda go blank on things that happened the day before, right? Like if you are driving and your car dies or even worse, you get into a car accident. Well, that's what it was like.

Sunday I woke up around 10. Marc came in, kissed me, got me up and dressed so we could go see "Benchwarmers" (it was a movie weekend!)So, we went there, and he pulled up so I could check the times. I came back to the car and told him and he said "Go in and get in line, I'll park the car" Well, I went in, and there were only 2 people in line. Marc has a card that gets rewards whenever you buy tickets, so once it got to 1 person, I looked out to see where he was. He was walking up, but really slowly. I go to duck underneath the ropes that wind around to form a line, and as I do that, my right knee slips out of socket. Have no fear though, it wasn't a "total dislocation", it slipped back in place. Both of my knees have dislocated twice. The first time: I was in Jr. High and I was "skipping" to the vending machine and my right knee dislocated. By this I mean that my knee cap slid out of place and to the side of my leg. I couldn't straighten my leg, and there is a "dip" where my knee cap should be. It stayed out pretty long mostly due to the fact I was FREAKING OUT. After getting x-rays and all that other stuff, I started to relax, and when they were trying to get me down from the stretcher and into the car, my dad grabbed my leg and did something and it popped back into place. My thoughts? "That felt good" The second time: I was in the swimming pool and I jumped up in the air to pass a balloon we were playing with to someone. As I jumped out of the water, my right knee went out and I sunk to the bottom. Paul, my stepdad, pulled me out of the water and popped it back in with his hand. From that time foward, I would always want Paul to take care of my knee if it went out. I can remember that when this happened, we didn't tell my dad about it. The Third time: I was in my bed room and I was getting out of bed. I lived with my dad (ha, when he was at home) and my grandparents. I stepped out on my left leg and turned and my knee dislocated (ok, just thinking about this is making my knee hurt and making me feel a little sick) I yelled for my grandmother (nana) to come and she finally did. I remember wanting Paul to come to push it in, but obbles (short of obviously) he couldn't, so she called 911. The ambulance came, had to cut my pants and gave me "the gas". As I was breathing it in, I started to relax, and my knee started to go down. The EMT pulled a little on my leg, and it slid into place. After that, I knew the key was to stay relaxed! The Fourth time: (aka - "the last time") I was in High School Dance class. I think I was either a sophmore or a junior. At the beginning of class, we always had to "jog around" the area 3 times. I was with my friends and I said "Come guys, it's time to run!" As I took a couple of steps, I felt my left knee dislocate. I was was calm as I told one of the girls "Go tell Ms. Royal that my knee dislocated" I guess it was my calm dimeanor that made them not understand what I was saying, so I said it again and pointed to my knee. Of course, they were freaked. I think the Vice Principal or a Coach came and got me into a wheel chair. I knew I needed to relax, but the stupid nurse wrapped my knee really tight in a wrap. Way to go nurse. Since then, it has occasionaly "slipped out & in" but not ever as bad as staying out. But it was worse than just slipping out. I could feel my knee dislocate and then slip in, but at a slower pace. I was on the ground, the ticket person not noticing me. I looked out, and Marc was still walking slow. I pushed open the door (I had fallen a couple inches or more away from it) and I called out to him "MMMAARRCC!!" He saw me and started running really fast to me. After telling him that I just wanted some ice and to watch the movie (it would give me a good 2 hours to rest and keep my leg elevated) he helped me up and we went to see the movie.

On Monday I stayed home and on Tuesday I went to the doctor. I have an appointment to see an orthopedic specialist in May. (Dr. Gray)I am at work, with a ice pack on my knee and no shoes on. Even though Tom and Keith both know about my gimping and hobbiling, they still ask me to get files and papers that they could easily get. Another thing I will be asking the Orthopedic Specialist about is that since moving to New Jersey my knees have started creaking when I bend, which is bad, and the last time my knee went out, the specialist doctor said if it happens again, I would probles (short for probably) need surgery. I am really afraid of that.

In other non-knee dislocaring news, Anthony, who has a huge ego and is very Italian hasn't really started, but will be soon. And now they are looking into hiring a new guy. I don't know how I will like that.

work, knee

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