Title: Running Into Fate
Author: Aeri
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: SiWon/HanKyung, mentioned KangTeuk, one-sided KangHan
Summary: Rainy days can’t always be that bad.
Special Dedication: This is especially dedicated to
quixoxotic ♥
I take your brains out and fill it with Suju fluffiness.
Sounds of the prickling rain were resounding with random chattering from afar. )
Comments 11
whimpering is good XD♥
[hands chocolate]
I'm addicted to ShiHan lately...XD
probably why i wrote it in the first place♥♥
hannie is such a woman, haha. but it's good.
and SHIWON!!! You didn't make Shiwonnie a jerk, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
||sends lots of love and hearts and bunnies||
But isn't Hannie such a great woman?♥♥
I picture SiWon as the perfect husband for Hannie [coughcough]♥♥
[receives love, hearts, and bunnies and stores it in a safe]
after all, it is dedicated to YOU~ ♥♥
and yes hannie makes a great woman. eheheheh ||cackle||
this is such a sweet piece!! <33
i love how caring and concerned shiwon is towards hankyung. ((:
i love sweetness as much as i love angst♥
I can't picture siwon being an arse o____O;;
it just doesn't fit my system~ XD
I'll make another ficcu with SiWon again later ^____^
thanks for comment!!♥♥
gah T_T *hugggggggllllllllllleeeeeeeee*
thsi made my day! i feel so warm and fuzzy inside~! ^O^~!!!!!!!!!
i kept whimpering and squeeing XD AGAIN, GOOD THING NO ONE'S HOME XDDDDDDDD
I'm glad I can make your day even more warmer and fuzzier =D
I wonder what would happen if someone DID hear you ?o~o?
[gives you cookies]
I hope to make another SiHan or some ficcu later today~ XD
[only noon now]
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