more stolen goodness.

Jun 29, 2007 00:42

Fangirly thingy that I stoled from Nora who stoled it from Peacewish! Woo.

Six Ships I Love

1. Rose/Doctor (Doctor Who)
2. Duncan/Methos (Highlander: The Series)
3. Jack/Daniel (Stargate: SG-1)
4. Buffy/Spike (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer)
5. Jack/Ninth Doctor/Rose (my OT3! Doctor Who)
6. Mal/River (Firefly)

Three Ships I Liked, But Don't Anymore

7. Jayne/River (Firefly)
8. Buffy/Angel (Buffy)
9. Anita/Richard (Anita Blake)

Three Ships I Don't Like

10. Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter)
11. Jack/Gwen (Torchwood)
12. Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter (SG-1)

Two Ships I'm Curious About, But Don't Actually Ship

13. Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean!)
14. Spike/Angel (Angel: The Series)

Quiz Questions!

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Jack/Gwen)
Cause, as Nora puts it, I'm a whore for gay men. For me, I like Jack with Ianto in the Torchwood-verse, and with the Doctor (and Rose, of course!) in the Who-niverse.

2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Jack Sparrow/Lizzie Swann)
...I don't know anyone. Only vague people on the internet. *shrug* Oh well.

3. What would your ideal scenario be for couple #3? (Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson)
Well... Anything as written by Orrymain from! She basically went behind the episodes and inserted very gay subtext that then became text. It effin' rocked.

4. What is your favorite episode for #1? (Rose/Doctor)
...everyone single one? Uhm... Lesse... "Parting of the Ways", "Idiot's Lantern", "New Earth", "Doomsday", "Fear Her"... all of 'em?

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Mal/River)
Uhm. Probably about a year, maybe a bit more. I saw a fanvid, and read some really awesomely written fanfics... and I got hooked!

6. What’s the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Buffy/Angel)
Well, I think I started disliking the whole thing when Angel came back from hell. Cause... yeah. The whole star-crossed-Romeo-and-Juliet thing? It gets kinda old. They can't be together because if he has sex with her he'll have a "perfect moment of happiness" and lose his soul -- it's so lame. Yeah, they're supposed to be soul-mates, but how can you keep shipping them when Joss just whumps them so badly? Bah. Then he left for LA and got his own show... and DATED CORDELIA! WTF? Seriously. Bah, I say again.

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Duncan/Methos or Buffy/Spike)
I'm going to have to go with Duncan/Methos. Why? Because. It's just so perfect. Don't get me wrong -- I'm a very avid Spuffy fanatic (and isn't that term just hilarious? "Spuffy" -- Just sounds... wrong. and kind of dirty), but I've been shipping Duncan/Methos since before I even knew I was shipping them! Seriously. Like way back in '95. Before my 11 year old brain could truly comprehend it, it was forming ideas about the two. So yeah. 'Sides, I'm a much more hard-core Highlander fan than I am of Buffy.

8. You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Harry/Ginny or O'Neill/Carter)
I definitely have to go with O'Neill/Carter. I mean... COME ON. Seriously. If you've even half paid attention to SG-1 when watching it you can plainly see that Jack and Daniel have a thing! And Carter is projecting her feelings of inadequacy onto Jack, and thinks that maybe if they break regs and they are together that she'll prove to all the men that she's just as smart and as capable as them, or some shit. Ugh. Sam Carter is pretty damn annoying when she's all "Ooh, Sir, I just love your silver hair! You look SO foxy! *Giggle*". It's disgusting. Seriously.

9. What interests you about #14? (Spike/Angel)
I'm not so much interested in it as a romantic pairing, but the two characters just play off each other so well! How can you not want to love it?

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Jayne/River)
Probably when I discovered Mal/River. I mean, I still like the occasional well-written Jayne/River fic, but it makes more sense to pair her with Mal. And... I heart Mal more than Jayne (most of the time, at least).

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Anita/Richard)
Not so much. I liked Richard, but I never thought that he and Anita would really work out in the end. He's both much too different and much too the same to live happily ever after in a house with a white picket fence and zombies in the backyard with Anita. I much prefer Anita/Jean-Claude or Anita/Jason.

12. What’s a song that reminds you of #5? (Jack/Nine/Rose)
Hmmm... That's kinda tough. Never thought about it before. Lesse... Probably Glen Miller's "In the Mood" (the song that plays when the Doctor and Rose save Jack from his ship as the Schlecter Wolf bomb is about to explode). It's the first time we see them happy and together, and there's much talk of "dancing".

13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
It's really hard to pick. Right now I'd probably have to go with Rose/Doctor, or Jack/Nine/Rose, because I'm so very in love with Doctor Who. They're just... perfect for each other. But I love all my ships. Hence why they are my ships!

14. Which do you dislike the most?
Honestly? Probably Harry/Ginny. Why, you ask, when it's all canon and makes so many other fangirls happy? Because. It's way too reminiscent of Lily and James, and, as much as I like Ginny, I just don't feel like she's right for Harry.

15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they’re from different shows)
I think it'd be hilarious to have Duncan and Methos go on a double date with most anyone! They're just amusing. I have a mental image of them going out with Rose and Ten, and it cracks me up. But I can see hilarity ensuing on a double date with Rose and Jack and Nine, as well as with Jack and Daniel, and even with Mal and River! Not so much with Spike and Buffy, though.

16. Have #2 kissed yet? (Duncan/Methos)
Sigh. No. Not really. *pout*

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn’t ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Buffy/Spike)
In a sort of bittersweet way... *shrug* Doesn't matter how it ended, just that it happened.

18. (Was eaten by a passing Reaper so as not to cause a paradox -- if you see the Reaper, please run to the Blue Box immediately.)

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6. (Duncan/Methos or Mal/River)
I'm going to have to go with Duncan and Methos. I've been waiting too long and wanting it too much to go with anything else.

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Harry/Ginny)
Harry is killed by Voldemort in the first chapter of the next book, and the rest of it is spent with Neville fighting the great old Moldywart, and then ending up with Ginny after the final showdown.

Well, that was fun, even if my computer DID try to eat it.

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