What did I promise you? That I'll be back on Sunday, ha.
Okay, I'm waiting for this little pupil of mine to arrive, and am not working on anything, but. I just stopped proofreading the new Wong Kar Wai issue of Metropolis to read the news and do whatever, and came across this:
"Az 1949 előtti Kínát felidéző Szerelemre hangolva című 2000-es filmje, illetve a 2004-ben forgatott, 2046 című alkotása egyöntetű kritikai és közönségsikert aratott." [As In the Mood for Love, resembling China before 1949,shot in 2000, 2046 shot in 2004 earned a huge success among the audience and the critics as well.] The original article is
here, so it was not a huge mistake in one of the essays I was browsing through.
It's strange in itself to call Wong a "Chinese" director, as he is definitely not Chinese as of in the continental meaning of the word. It's rather a philosophical-political problem to divide the whole construction (whether geographical, ethnographical or cultural) called China to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and the mainland, because these are only the geopolitically more independent parts, how about the other "kingdoms" then. But, as you would call Tibet or even Taiwan the part of China [BTW, how do you define China?], HK is something entirely different.
That said, I'm still wondering how one could write down this sentence, with such a false date in it, when Wong explicitly tells time on inserts (at least in these 2 particular films). You are told, that it's 1962.
felhívom még szíves figyelmüket erre is: "megitszteltetve érzi magát".