Anya, getting older!

Jan 29, 2013 16:35

Anya is now 19 months old!  Wow.

She's walking, talking, tantruming. :)

She's doing very well.  I can't believe that this little person, just a little bit ago, couldn't do the things she's doing now.  I mean, she says part of the alphabet, she can count (!), and she sings songs (Twinkle is the newest...she was singing Jingle Bells around Christmas).  She's just amazing.

About a month and a half ago, she started screaming during her baths.  I have no idea what happened.  One second, she was happily playing in the bathtub, then the next, screaming at the top of her lungs to get her out.  It's been a two-person job to get her to take a bath ever since.  Usually, my husband tries to hold on to her while she stands in her little inflatable bathtub while I scrub her down as best I can.  I have no idea how long this will last.  But, it's oh so much fun!

She has grown.  She was 10th percentile in weight and 25th percentile in height last doctor's appointment (which was about 3 weeks ago).  So, she's doing well there.  She still fits into most of her 12 month size pants and she's now wearing only 18 month size shirts.  Her legs must be short.

Anyway, thought I'd say hi! :)

anya, growth

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