So, week 4 started with just a little more time with Grandma before we were on our own for a good long while. We got into a nice flow this week, feeling good about how the feedings were going and making sure we all got enough sleep (well, as much as we could).
Anya had her 1 month doctor’s visit on Wednesday. She gained more weight (now 8 lbs 15 oz) and is at 21 ¾ inches. So, that makes her in the 50% for weight and 70% for height. Which is surprising. When you have two parents that are shorter than average, 70% for height is amazing. I should look up my height at 1 month. Anyway, she got 1 shot and took it like a champ. They put a huge pink bandaid on her leg afterwards and it looked so cute. She got a good bill of health and we set up an appointment for next month.
We also went for a few outings this week. I went to the grocery store with her and Scott. The first time, I took her in the moby wrap. I wasn’t too happy with it and probably won’t do that again. She fell asleep (and actually did really well), but I wasn’t comfortable with it. I will probably use it at home still, though.
Technically, this should be in the next entry, but here it is anyway :) ... 1 month!