It's JUNE!! and my appointment

Jun 01, 2011 13:43

We made it to June.  Wow...I can't believe it's here already.

Had my doctor's appointment today.  Yay, another cervical check (more owie).  Now, I'm 75% effaced and a fingertip dilated.  Things are moving along!

I got a message from my cousin, who is due 2 weeks after me.  She has "mild pre-eclampsia" and her doctor put her on bedrest.  She also said that they might induce at 37 weeks, which is really upsetting.  I sure hope she can keep that bun in the oven as long as possible!

We went on a few errands today to get out of the house.  We thought about going to a movie, but there's nothing we really want to see yet.

2 weeks until due date.

whoa, pre-baby

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