Another shower!

May 21, 2011 12:33

Last night, my friends here in town threw me and my husband a couples shower.  Just a small gathering of friends with good food, conversation and a few gifts.  I also got to see a friend before she and her husband move to Vermont.  It was a good time.

Yesterday, I also went to my 36-week appointment (got the Group-B strep test done...will know the results next week).  My doctor, at one point in the middle of the appointment, looked at me and said, "Thanks for being so great."  When I asked, it sounded like she was having a bad day with one of her other patients.  Poor thing...really, I love my ob.  She's always been very good about answering every single one of my questions and doesn't ever rush me through.  I've enjoyed my pre-baby health care with her and wouldn't have had it any other way.  I can't imagine working constantly with crazy, hormonal pregnant women.  It must be draining.  Next Friday, I'll get another ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels, baby weight, and position.

After I got done with that appointment, I drove all the way across town to get my blood drawn for my endocrinologist.  And man, the waiting room was packed again.  Her office is always sooo busy.  I waited for 30 minutes there just to get back to the lab.  Crazy.  Yet still, at the party that night, I recommended her to a friend.  I can't help it.  She always calls me personally after each blood test to let me know how I'm doing.  I wonder if I'll get back in before the baby gets here.  We'll see...

So, now that all my showers are done, Scott and I are going to finish up our registry today.  We're hitting Target with a vengeance and picking up all the other things we need.  We'll still have the registry up with the things that we don't purchase today, but we are buying the things that we feel we'll need before the big day.  (OK, I feel we need.)  So, I've been tweaking the registry all morning, making sure I've got everything on there that I think I need.  Target sent us a 10% off everything on your registry coupon, but it only lasts for one day.  So, I'm making sure that everything's on there.  I added diapers and wipes, breastfeeding stuff, and other small things.

In other news, I taught my last day before the summer on Thursday.  It was hard saying goodbye to some of the students for the entire summer, but they all seem like they are happy for me and understand why I'm stopping.  I feel good about my decision and look forward to the time off.

ob, doctors, testing, work, shower, presents, thyroid, appointments, pre-baby

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