
Dec 05, 2010 20:20

Ok, last busy weekend, over.

I was SO tired yesterday morning...I literally got home from my rehearsal, walked to my bed, laid down, and started crying.  I felt like a 3-year-old.  But, thankfully, I have the most awesome husband ever...he got me pizza...I ate food, felt SO much better, and was ready for the wedding I needed to play by 3.  It's amazing what a little pizza will do.  :)

Anyway, I had a zillion gigs this weekend.  I played a gig that lasted 2 nights (Friday and Saturday), then did a rehearsal Saturday morning for my gig today, and then a wedding Saturday afternoon.  So tiring.  Next weekend, all I've got is my student's recital.

Thankfully, the worst of the headaches have gone.  I had a really bad one on hurt in my teeth.  It was weird.  But, that went away and I've been feeling better.  Really, just tired because of all the work.  (I guess when it rains, it pours...)

This coming week is the last one at the elementary, so my mornings will free up significantly.  It'll be so much more helpful for next semester.

I finally bought myself a BellaBand.  Haven't worn it yet, but I have it in case.  Today for my gig, I realized that one of my black dress shirts is now too small, so I need to start thinking about performance wear.

My next doc appointment is Dec. 15.  Not sure what happens at that appointment, but I'm sure it'll be pretty much poking and prodding and such.

work, appointments, clothes, symptoms

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