Yes, this movie has been made 25 years ago AND IT SHOWS. The effects are dated (even more so in the sequel), the rubber suit monsters are nothing short of corny, and the story is somewhat simplistic.
But A Chinese Ghost Story has a rapping warrior monk who throws around fire like no one's business! It has an adorkable scholar/much-abused tax collector whose sole purpose in the story (aside from being human half of this ghostly OTP) is get thrown about! It has a very, very pretty ghost! Sure, the weird sound effect everytime someone does something badass is jarring, but BADASS!!!!!
A Chinese Ghost Story is the tale of some pathetic scholar roped into collecting taxes in a far off city. It goes badly (because Ning Choisan is just about the most wimpy tax collector EVER), and he is forced to spend the night in some abandoned temple (which is haunted by weird mummy things). There he meets Siusin, a ghost whose raison d'etre is to seduce men and suck their life force(turning them into said mummy things), and feed it to the tree spirit who holds her soul captive. He rejects her advances (but is clearly attracted; let's face it, who wouldn't be?), and she begins to think that maybe not all men are horny bastards. They fall hopelessly in love, but they don't end up together because, well, she's dead. At least Choisan gets a doppelganger replacement love interest in the sequel.
Oh, and there's Yin, badass rapper kung-fu wizard monk. Love him SO MUCH.
I admit to not being very emotionally invested in the characters (except rapper monk Yin), but that's the con of its simplistic story. The pro, however, is that the kid in me, the one who believes in the power of love to overcome anything, is very much charmed.