This review/squee post for The Revelation (Korra episode 3) is long overdue, especially since I've watched this episode a few hours after it aired, but RL has taken a very exhausting turn lately, and I've been trying to cope by refreshing my tumblr for MOAR Korra and watching as much The Big Bang Theory as I can.
I have watched the leaked fourth episode, and my world sort of got turned upside-down what with all that shipping and headcanon realignment I had to do. I will try to avoid spoilers for that here, but ~my feelings~ I can't even
Parts of The Revelation remind me of several teleseryes and kdramas I've watched. Dirt-poor teenagers trying to survive by joining gangs, parents murdered before the kiddos, pretty much stuff that no doubt go over the heads of the children watching this show. It gets darker from there. This is a dark episode, all in all, much darker than the darkest episode of Avatar (it's The Puppetmaster, the one with the bloodbender driven mad by years of imprisonment). Hello, ambiguity and gray-and-gray morality! It's so nice to see you! I did wince when Korra bullies that protestor who harps on and on about benders oppressing nonbenders, but that's the point of this show. If Korra is really gonna be the Avatar the world needs, she has to realize that she has to listen to everyone, and that includes the Equalists. The Avatar is the mediator, the one who is (to paraphrase that quote about the leader of the resident witch species of Wheel of Time) of all and of none. She has to take a stand, but she has to listen to all sides first. While I love Korra for being a take-action, no-nonsense girl, I do wish she'd take the time to step back and look at the big picture here. I'm sure we'll get that, but it's painful to see Korra make all these missteps and know that these will bite her in the ass sooner or later.
This episode is mostly trio-centric, which means we get all the Mako, Korra, and Bolin we want but little of the Amazing Airbenders. I'm fine with that. These three are the future Team Avatar, so anything that showcases the group dynamic is very much appreciated. Bolin spends half of the episode kidnapped by the Equalists, but when he's onscreen, he's just so adorable! I love how he wants to show his brother he can help with their current financial straits. He wants Mako to trust him and think of him as a partner, and Mako shoulders all the responsibility by himself anyway. Oh, Bolin, I love you and your perfect face!
I shipped Makorra like mad so I was really happy with all the Makorra fanservice this episode provides. I've lately taken a more moderate stance at Avatar shipping, but in my heart I will always ship these two. Look at how they work together to save Bolin! I love how their differing personalities make them all the more stronger as a team. I was slightly worried by all the Makorra-centric previews Nick was releasing. I thought that the romance would happen too fast, and frankly I'm not a fan of whirlwind romances. I'm glad that instead I saw my ship work together and become friends. Here's to hoping we'll see Mako actively help Korra in taking down Amon, placating the Equalists, and bringing balance to Republic City (and later the world).
Meanwhile, have a Mako, Korra, and Makorra picspam.
Amon is very, very creepy. That mask! Those eyes! The masked Equalists aren't any better. I did laugh when he and his henchmen rose up the stage like some dance troupe. I spend way too much time chortling over tumblr gifs than is probably healthy.
I don't believe what Amon said about being a non-bender whose entire family was cut down by a Firebender. I don't believe that Amon can really energybend. Some geniuses at tumblr did a pretty good job contrasting Amon's shtick with the forehead-and-neck touching with Aang's genuine energybending in the first series, and I have to say they're different. This doesn't make Amon any less a threat, and those Equalist chi-blockers are no joke. I'm just saying that Amon may just be playing to everyone's fears. That, or Amon is an agent of the spirit world, the denizens of which aren't happy with industrialization and truly believe the Avatar has failed them.
I have to agree with the general opinion that Mako's and Bolin's bending are weaker than Zuko's and any earthbender's of the original series. I think this is intentional. Bolin clearly has difficulties with non-disk (i.e. non-Pro-bending) earthbending, and Mako doesn't seem to know how to use his lightningbending outside the power plant. I want to see them learn classical bending and then fuse it with their Pro-bending style. I want to see Lin teach Bolin how to earthbend like Toph, and I want to see Zuko (WHO IS ALIVE! YAY!) teach Mako the ways of the Sun Warriors.
Actually, I just want to see Zuko.