Happiness is...

Aug 05, 2006 02:07

Spent much of yesterday evening and part of tonight "designing" HP costumes--dress robes, Quidditch robes, and one set of generic school robes.  And possibly a set of pyjamas.    o.O   Some of them actually came out looking quite lovely and semi-professional, which is odd considering I haven't had an art class since kindergarten.  Literally.  I've been neglecting my creative side lately, so perhaps it was just my Inner Artist yearning to burst forth.  Like a secret swan.  Or a zit on Eloise Midgen.  Something like that...

Reason #394 That I Love My Church: Tonight, I GOT TO PLAY WITH A SCREW GUN!!  And duct tape!  And lighting instruments!!   At church!  *does happy dance of joy*  There's a lady there who's a certified stage hand with I.A.T.S.E., and she designs different sets and things to tie in with whatever the sermon series is at the time, to make it more atmospheric and such-like.   So I got to go to a "load-in" tonight, and play with fake foliage and extension cords and styrofoam rocks and other things that made my little thespian heart flutter in my chest.  OH!  And we were paid in hot dogs, sodas, ans s'mores.  Good times, good times.  'Twas a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

And now, on an unrelated note... here's the part where I NEED YOUR HELP!

I'm going to my "sista's" house-warming party tomorrow night.  (A "sista" is just like a sister, except for the part where we're separated by two different sets of parents and 15mos. age difference...  Yeah...)  It's a wine and cheese thing, and we're all supposed to bring a bottle of wine with an interesting name or a funny label or something like that.  I'm not a huge wine drinker, so I need some suggestions for a good wine to take to the party!   I tend to prefer reds to whites (nothing too heavy), and would prefer something on the not-wretchedly-expensive end of the scale.  Also, suggestions for a house-warming gift?  Any and all recommendations will be tremendously appreciated.  You people rock!

My cat keeps walking into the room and meowing at me, but she won't let me pet her or pick her up, she doesn't want to sit in my lap, and her food bowl is full.  I don't understand what the problem is.  *sigh*

Anyway, it's late.  I'm going to read a little fic and then head off to bed.  Have a great night, everybody!  *hugs*

church, hp costumes

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