Aug 01, 2006 17:06

So, it's been a hella long time since I've updated this thing. No, Adam, I don't "hate the LJ," I just went through one of those bizarre I-don't-wanna-mess-with-it phases. But that has happily come to an end! Back to the Land of LJ with me!!

First, a Shout-Out to all my old-school flisties.  If you haven't abandoned me entirely from lack of updating, that is...  *tear*  I am happy to be back, and am looking forward to catching up!

Am still in Vegas after the fabulous Lumos2006 fan conference. TOO MUCH FUN!! Got to meet and hang out with so many cool people, and it's always fun putting faces and voices with the names you see on a computer screen. I got to meet belovedranger and
fyrelily and
mollierms and
le_calmar_geant and
chickadilly and LOADS of other fantabulous Checkmated folks!  (I'll post the contact list soon... just not right at this exact moment in time.)  And I got to see my fantabulous
kp_mushu again, too, but didn't get to spend as much time with her as I would've liked.  Alas!  But I suppose that just means we'll all have to arrange to meet up again some time.  :-)

Roomed with my darling Gidge (
truesalcove) and my home-girl Sprout (
sproutgirl), and also with the fantastic
thaliachaunacy who is (to borrow her own phrase) MADE OF AWESOME.  We had far too much fun.  Crack Spice, Sleepy Spice, and Paprika are just about three of the coolest chicks EVAR.  End of story, good bye, THE END!  *cough*  Yeah...

OH!!  And there was UNDERWEAR IN OUR ROOM!!  I noticed them the first night, but the other girls had already changed and unpacked and stuff, so I assumed they were Gidge's or Sprout's or Thalia's, and didn't say anything about it.  Then, on the last day when we went to pack up and check out, the conversation went something like this...

ME:  Hey Gidge, Sprout, do these belong to y'all?
GIDGE and SPROUT:  (giggle)  Um, no!  
ME:  Oh gosh, I seriously hope these belong to Thalia, or I'm going to be REALLY squicked-out...  (gingerly picks up item in question, carries them to Thalia)  Hey Thalia, are these yours?
THALIA:  (cracks up laughing)  Uh, no...!  
ME:  (drops Manky Mystery Knickers and runs screaming through the room)  EEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!

So we took them down to the front desk.  The woman looked horrified.  But not as horrified as I was.

On a totally unrelated-to-knickers note:
Sprout, Gidge, and I were inspired to create our very own PodCast!!  It was our first attempt, so it's a bit crazy, but as I said, it was a first attempt.  We shall be much more focused and much less long-winded (maybe) the next time!  (And yes, we intend to make this an ongoing thing.  LeakyMug, you'd best watch your back!  Backs?  Eh...)  Anyway, you can check out the link here:


Anyway, yeah!  That's about it from my barmy little corner of the world.  More to come soon!

(BTW, if I met you at Lumos and you'd like to friend me for whatever strange, unknown reason: feel free!  I'm always up for new friends!)

podcast, lumos, cm

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