Dec 20, 2009 23:45

Screw it, I'm done. Done done done done DONE.

I have just completed the (first) bonus levels of Jewel Quest II, to stubbornly see if there is in fact a bonus ending. Nope, it's just a loop of the fifth "book," except the game crashes after each chapter ends [or the player loses]. The loop also ends exactly the same, continuing on to the SECOND bonus levels.

I haven't detailed here why I hate the game. This is the problem: Jewel Quest I was a brilliant twist on normal Bejewelled, requiring the player to complete a board by changing the colour of the squares behind pieces that are matched. All squares must be turned gold: the next harder difficulty adds a silver increment between plain and gold. The third harder difficulty adds cursed pieces that will revert the squares behind them to plain if they are matched [unless they are matched through a cascade, vs. directly]. The hardest difficulty uses silver and cursed pieces.

JQ2 ignores the difficulty gradation. The first two "books" are identical in difficulty except for the specific board layouts. The third book adds BOTH silver and cursed pieces. However, the fourth and fifth books go back to being identical to the first and second! Then the bonus levels are STUPID HARD and add an additional piece type in addition to removing the carry-over of accumulated "Specials," which otherwise make the normal books so easy a caveman can beat themit's really not a challenge even for book three, since they give the player the option of clearing a specific square.

I'm basically aggravated that I played 2/3rds of the game on Easy as Hell, 1/6th on Kind of Hard, and 1/6th on DAMNED IMPOSSIBLE. Balance much?

There's a JQ3 out, I understand. Screw that noise.
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