SCA updates

Sep 09, 2012 10:23

As previously stated, here is my SCA updates. I am not going to go into great details, but instead here is a point form. Continuing updates to projects will commence.

- Went to a lot of events this summer, apparently the one I should have put my foot down and said we are going to was Harvest... and we skipped it due to a lack of funds... and missed Beoaed's dad winning the Rapier Tournament and being taken as Man at Arms to Kirk. Being an adult sucks balls.
- Went to Sargents where my SCA changed.... I think for the better. Talked to the awesome ya_inga about a lot of stuff including my situation as an apprentice to what will be an out of kingdom laurel, with landsknecht_po. She has offered to foster me. Details have been worked out with Iain and I am rollin.
- Also got surrounded by Sargents (honestly it was the natural ebb and flow of conversation that put me there, not some insidious plot by the sargentry of Avacal!) Who convinced my that my opinions of what a Sargent is has changed. I apparently had the "old skool" idea of a sargent. They set me straight and I have now declared my intent to test for Sargentry next year

So my SCA focus has shifted for the next year. I am no longer going to be plodding away just making pretties with my A&S, I have a focus. Sargent Trials as a courtier of A&S. I have 3 commissions on my plate and once those are done I am taking no more until after all Sargentry Trials

For Sargentry I need to have 4 fully documented entries (at baronial level officially, but I am going to do the best I can at submitting 4 Principality level or higher entries). And worse the entries have to be from different disciplines. Not vastly different, but different enough. I also need 3 marsehallettes, and to pass various tests. Some tests I am not so worries about (Persona, SCA history) others I need an epic amount of learning for (military tactics, heraldry). I also need to teach 3 dances, 2 games and have 2 bardic performances. I also have to hand calligraphy my petition to the Baroess (which I am research and writing similar to my indentureship document to Iain, the challenge is not making them the same, or conflict with each other.) Provide an SCA resume with focus on my A&S entries and techings as well as supply my handouts for the classes I have taught. I have to be able to marshall and know the rules of the list, I have to be able to do field heraldry, and court heraldry....

So the testing for Sargentry is really a giant test of my SCA-ness and in the end, if I am successful a feather in which to put in my hat. That may sound flippant, but when I look at my SCA, and what I do in the SCA I am already doing 80% of the same things as a sargent. My roles within the Barony and within Avacal wont change. My dedication and commitment to the SCA wont change. Sargentry gives me a focus, a direction and an overall check of my SCAness. The Baroness' talked a lot this year about what people will do if they arent' successful. I already know, without much forethought what I will do. I will continue being who I am, doing what I do, and probably try again until I succeed.

a&s, sargentry

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