FST: Supernatural: These Paper Cities Burning

Oct 15, 2010 23:14

f o r  b e t t e r . . . o r  w o r s e - t h e  p o s t m a r k s

everything will be okay/like the bullet on your tongue/
we’ll get through it’s not too late/tomorrow’s on the way/
they promised it would be/better than yesterday

k n i g h t s  o f  c y d o n i a - m u s e
"You can never be with your family. So, you either get as far away from them as possible.
Or you put a bullet in your head, and that's how you keep your family safe.
But there's no getting out and there's no going home."

no one's gonna take me alive/the time has come to make things right
you and I must fight for our rights/you and I must fight to survive

h y s t e r i a - m u s e

'cause I want it now/I want it now/give me your heart and your soul
and I'm not breaking down/I'm breaking out/last chance to lose control

t h e  m o n s t e r  i s  l o o s e - m e a t  l o a f
"You don't know me. You never did, and you never will."

I've walked a slippery road/felt a twitch in my soul
through the wind and the cold/with no protection/just one direction

I've paid for all my mistakes/taking all I can take
until I'm ready to break/I'm feeling vicious/and so outrageous
it breaks us

l u c i f e r  r i s i n g - i n k u b u s  s u k k u b u s
"Do you know my crime? I loved God too much. And for that, he betrayed me, punished me."

misguided Messiah/pariah of twisted beauty/spirit of fire climb higher
and higher ever/desire, desire, to taste all/that isn't worthy

d e v i l  s o n g - b e t h  o r t o n
" No one has ever done anything so bad that they can't be forgiven -- that they can't change."

but looking back in retrospect/did you ever really get what you’d expect
trying to rectify/got lost a little further
you’ve been trying to justify/find out how and where it came

devil was your angel but it’s not no more
the devil was your angel when you weren’t sure

i n t o  t h e  n i g h t - a l k a l i n e  t r i o
"We're not stronger when we're together -- I think we're weaker. Because what we have --
love, family, whatever it is -- they are always gonna use it against us. We're better off apart."

this carrion has been forgotten/left for dead in the sun rotting
the answers lie here in this tragedy/it ends when you and me
we're dragged from the light/into the night...

y e a r  o f  t h e  f l o o d - r u n r i g
"Oh, I learned a lesson all right. Just not the one you wanted to teach."

you may walk and you may run/you leave your footprints all around the sun
and every time the storm and the soul wars come/you just keep on walking
it’s been this way from the start/everybody walking round with holes in the heart
everybody holding up the skies in the dark/as the stars keep falling

i  w i l l  f o l l o w  y o u   i n t o  t h e  d a r k - a m y  m i l a n
"Haven’t we learned a damn thing? If we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do it together."

no blinding light or tunnels to gates of white/just our hands clasped so tight
waiting for the hint of a spark

if Heaven and Hell decide/that they both are satisfied
illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
if there's no one beside you/when your soul embarks/then I'll follow you into the dark

i n  t h e  e n d - c h a r l o t t e  g a i n s b o u r g
"That’s horrible. I mean, apocalypse or no apocalypse... monsters or no monsters -
that’s a crushing weight to have on your shoulders. To feel like six billion lives depend on you?
God. How do you get up in the morning?"

help me to see what it’s all coming to
crumbs on the table/and mud on these shoes/treading so long
I can’t see where we’ve been/tracks on the trail
and nails digging in

p e o p l e  c ’ m o n - d e l t a  s p i r i t
"Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name,
and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome."

and I got something to say my friends/I will never lay down without a fight
and when I die it will be the day/when every one of my wrongs will be made right
only time’s gonna heal my pain/Lord knows the mistakes I will make
yeah there'll be peace on my soul someday/reconside I'll be on my way

b r i n g  o n  t h e  w o n d e r - s u s a n  e n a n

bring on the wonder/bring on the song
I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long
bring on the wonder/we got it all wrong
we pushed you down in our souls for too long

I don’t have the time for a drink from the cup
let’s rest for a while till our souls catch us up

d i s t a n t - v n v  n a t i o n
"That's easy for you to say, but if Lucifer burns this mother down,
and I could have done something, guess what, that's on me!"

damn the illusions of redemption/and the hopes that held me here
I will oppose all that would befall me/with this rage inside of me
I'll defy what I would become

this solitude and anger/that do battle inside of me
will always guide me to the answers/that I know I may not see
they are the bonds that hold me tighter/they are the chains that weigh on me
one day, I know they will become

s w a y - t h e   p e r i s h e r s
"The damndest thing. I mean, the world's ending, the walls are coming down on us.
I look over to you, and all I can think about is… you stupid son of a bitch brought me here."

it was you who picked the pieces up/when I was a broken soul
and then glued me back together/returned to me what others stole

I don’t wanna hurt you/I don’t wanna make you sway
like I know I’ve done before/I will not do it anymore

i n v i n c i b l e - m u s e
"I don't get it, Sam. Why are you doing this?"
"Because you're still my big brother."

during the struggle/they will pull us down/but please, please
let's use this chance/to turn things around/and tonight
we can truly say/together we're invincible

b r o t h e r  s t a n d  b e s i d e  m e - h e a t h e r  d a l e
"And when it was clear, they park her in the middle of nowhere, sit on the hood,
and watch the stars... for hours...without saying a word."

brother stand beside me - brother lend your arm
brother stand beside me - brother lend your arm
the land below lies stricken/and this fight has nearly come
let them sing our praises when we’re gone

brother stand beside me - brother lend your arm
brother stand beside me - brother lend your arm
see the weakness in the world/and choose to be strong
let them sing our praises when we’ve gone

o  d e a t h - j e n  t i t u s
"To a thing like me, a thing like you...well think about how you'd feel
if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one tiny planet,
one tiny little solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers.
I'm old, Dean, very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you."

o, Death/won't you spare me over another
well what is this that I can't see/with ice cold hands takin' hold of me
when god is gone and the devil takes hold/who will have mercy on your soul
o Death

t h e  d a m a g e  i n  y o u r  h e a r t - w e e z e r
"What if you guys lead the devil to the edge, and I jump in?"

one more tear/falling down your face/doesn't mean that much /to the world
one more loss/in a losing life/doesn't hurt so bad/anymore

let it go/the damage in your heart/let it go/the damage in your heart

t h e  f i n a l  c o u n t d o w n - e u r o p e
"That's the last thing I ever thought I'd hear you say."
"Might be. I'm not going to lie to you though. It goes against every fiber of my being."

we're leaving together/but still it's farewell
and maybe we'll come back/to earth, who can tell?

I guess there is no one to blame/we're leaving ground (leaving ground)
will things ever be the same again?/it's the final countdown

l a s t  c o m f o r t - t h o u s h a l t n o t
"You go find Lisa. You pray to god she's dumb enough to take you in, and you --
you have barbecues and go to football games. You go live some normal, apple-pie life, Dean. Promise me. "

and as the stars arise /to call the end of time /with midnight near
I look into my hands/the only thing I've held/is foolish fear
I turn my head at last/now giving up pursuit/with what to show?
I've been outrun but given this/the only joy of our regret: to know
this could have been yours

p a p e r  c i t i e s - o t h e r  l i v e s
"Well, then I ain't gonna let him die alone."

we sent them all across the ocean/many lives were taken
well I didn't cry, I didn't know them/and I just looked on with no expression

this land was once a home/of friends and family/we used to know
they are all gone now/they are now gone/and for what I cannot tell

f o o t p r i n t s  i n  t h e  s n o w - v e r t i c a l  h o r i z o n
"Sam, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you. I'm not gonna leave you."

but we stood together/and we made each other strong
we tried to comfort ourselves when the nights were long
and we held back the tears/when they needed to flow
but where we once stood lie only footprints in the snow

w h e n  t h e  t i m e  c o m e s - t h e  c l a s s i c  c r i m e
"It's okay, dean. It's gonna be okay. I've got him."

will I go down like a preachers son?/will I come back up like a world war vet?
will I watch my brothers die?/speak true words into their lives?
will I hold them close and tell them why the life they led was sacrifice

e v e r y t h i n g  i s  a l l  r i g h t  b y  m e  n o w - d a v i d  u s h e r
"That's easy for you to say. He brought you back. But what about Sam? What about me, huh?
Where's my grand prize? All I got is my brother in a hole!"

smile at the world/an unconscious ending
take one last look/mine is the not the one wanted
undressed desire/everything is alright by me now/everything is alright

f o o t  o f  t h e  m o u n t a i n - a - h a

but we could live by the foot of the mountain/we could make us a white picket fence
build a home by the foot of the mountain/we could stay there and see how it ends

t h e  f a t a l  w o u n d - s w i t c h f o o t

I am divided/I am the razor edge/there is no easy now

son of sorrow/staring down forever/with an aching view
disenchanted/lets go down together/with the fatal wound


terror time again - scooby doo and zombie island

You hear the screeching of an owl,
You hear the wind begin to howl,
You know there's zombies on the prowl,
And it's terror time again,
They've got you running though the night,
It's terror time again,
And you just might die of fright

maneater - nelly furtado

Maneater, make you work hard
Make you spend hard
Make you want all, of her love
She's a maneater
make you buy cars
make you cut cards
make you fall, real hard in love

trash the rental - soho dolls

Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
Don't be gentle.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.

the ghost is here - scooby doo and zombie island

Oh the ghost is here and it's always a fake
The ghost is here there's no reason to shake
Oh the ghost is here just give us a break
It's fake

fandom: winchester uses self destruct, fandom, fandom: fst, creative endeavors, music

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