assorted (doughnuts, finweans, board games?)

May 23, 2010 16:17

  • I watched The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo on Friday, officially breaking my rule of reading the book first. And damn, it was good. Kind of hard to watch, in places, but good. And Noomi Rapace is seriously my new girlcrush. No seriously, look at her. Such a fucking BAMF. And I am kind of embarrassed to say it, but the way she rocks her style is fucking awesome. Just look at this. yeah. Also her name is Noomi Rapace. And she speaks Swedish. That is what I call sexy.
  • I also finished Season 2 of Dexter. Last night. Yes, on Friday I was two episodes in, what of it? I don't want to hear anything about it. More on that behind the cut, but I thought I'd let my adoring fans friends who watch know that I'm catching up to youuu you'll be in trouble any day now. Also am compiling a list of my favorite episodes of both Death Note and Dexter, so I can keep track of them. Or more like 'moments, in episodes' but really.
  • Have begun reading Watchmen, am not sure what I think just yet. Have continued reading Death Note, I love the expressions. And I have three one page reflections to write that will take me almost no time, but have been avoiding doing them for something like three weeks. Failme.
  • Have Dexter fanfiction half written/mostly written in my notebook. This is either a good thing or a problem. Am still not sure which.
  • May be uploading my FSTs again over the next few whiles. Watch this space, I'll let you know.
And now, a crapton of memes from various places. All reposted. What can I saw, I'm a repetitive sort of person.
  • Ask any of my puppets a question in comments and they will answer you, in character. Crack ensues. It's fun. For an example, more or less, of how this works, see this post.
  • Give me a character and I will give you several facts about them according to my own personal canon. This can range from their birthday, favorite color or even their earliest memory up to what they had last night for dinner.
  • Comment and give me a topic for a music mix. I will make & upload said mix. Then post this in your own journal.
  • The voicepost meme. Provide a topic (or two or three) and I will babble.
  • Name one of my characters, and I'll make & upload a mix I think that character would listen to. Then post this in your journal.
  • If you have at any time recently felt unhappy, unloved, lonely, depressed, or just bitter about the world in general, comment here and I will tell you why having you on my flist makes my life better, why you matter to me, why, in short, you are an awesome person. Open to anyone on my flist who would like to comment. My replies to individuals are screened. If you need it, comment away, and I'll give you a dose of good old fashioned loving.
A few more recs have been added to my fandom recs post, including "Office Politics" which is crack and somewhat OOC but too hilarious to resist.

Re: Season Two...episodes 9, 10, and 11 are probably my favorite episodes ever. In any season, so far. More on that later, other than briefly how much I want to punch Lila. In the face.

It is raining again, and my mood is rather bleak and drear.

meme, new discoveries, fandom, fandom: dexter, fandom: death note

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