mass sketch dump + latest tumblr - june 11

Jun 01, 2011 19:20

this is so very belated lol there might be blood

LOTS: Assassin's Creed desmond, ezio, cesare, lucrezia, altair, malik . . . eh a lot of shit, mostly AC2 & ACB
SOME: Prototype alex mercer being angry, some james heller being angry, some alex mercer and james heller being angry at each other, DANA ♥
FEW: Protocreed alex mercer/desmond miles holy shit i dont even like crossovers but this is my otp?! OTL
SOME: World of Warcraft priests and the like.
FEW: A Song of Ice and Fire // Game of Thrones Uh, yeah. Chibis!
FEW: Dragonlance Where did you guys come from?!
FEW: Some other shit.


I am serious. This is like THREE sketch dump posts in one. I haven't made any in a really, really, really long while.

Some 'racy' stuff in here, but no penisae.



Alex/Desmoooond. Referenced from a bad guy still. I drew this in Sai later.

He is. Only he's usually shown shorter because he's usually the one who gets poiked in the bum. Seme/uke dynamics in yaoi, oh u.

Desmoooooooooond?.. 8D hurhurhur--theres a lot of porn on this sketchbook that I won't post because they're crap mostly.

Poor Desmond. His mental health is questionable enough without me making a tentacle monster rape him up the bumbum nightly.

Altaïr understands the creed. Only with his ass, rather than his head, which you can't really blame him for. This was supposed to be the last frame of a parody of the G WASH/The Founding OGs comic. Don't make me tell you where the word 'Assassin' comes from!

I have the oddest het ships. YES. Ezio/Lucrezia make a hot mess. And I have a fic idea. At each other's throats, you pretty virtual people!

I really don't fucking like the idea of Sofia Sorto god fffffffff.

there is porn behind that sketch ahha and its ezio/cesare to boot

And the fic idea I have is that Lucrezia bitches at Ezio about Giovanni (her firstborn son by an Assassin named Perotto, whom the Assassins later executed) forever until he caves and allows her to see him. Stuff happens. Ezio needs a girl. That poor fucker. :'(

Also notice Cole McGrath with Maria Auditore. Yep, that's about my sense of humor right there.

Ezio, with said Giovanni, and in the Armor of Brutus, because I told myself I'd draw it and there's a weird connection between Giovanni and Brutus. Play Project Legacy--it's a pretty story and fuck, I love Giovanni Borgia. That child is super fucked.

Ezio with children makes my ovaries happy. I will finish this, I swear.

Cesare is so fucking gay. I grew bored with this because his armor was an ass to draw, but I'll go back to this again. I promise. The cherub on his chest will keep the yaranaika face.

And this scene was hilarious lol. One moment Cesare was mad, and the other moment he went all PUPPYFACE because maybe, just maybe, Rodrigo might give him money. And you know this is how everyone acts with their dads. :'D

Studyin...g LOL FUCKING HELL LOOK AT EZIO'S EYE GDI HAHAHA I might have not posted this but it's too LOL to not post seriously man look at that shit! OTL

POOR EZIO GOT THROWN AWAY LIKE HE WAS WORTHLESS and Alex tends to scare Desmond and Ezio doesn't want to be an assassin. But that is NOT NEGOTIABLE, fuck him.

Poor Desmond, too. I say that a lot.


Ignore not!Castiel and Sam, they've been there a while. The Zerg Queen will nomnom them. Or maybe not Castiel.

That speedling is the cutest thing I've drawn, ever.

Desmonddesmonddes... ♥♥♥ OKAY This might be too many Desmonds for me to not come off as a sane person ahahaha OTL

Chibi!Sandor Clegane made his way in there. (Sansa was passing by, hence the heart, but I didn't draw her because OMGFUUUUUUKILLSANSAKILLKILL j/k she's one of the most logical ASOIAF characters around. Also, what the fuck is up with Sandor/The Hound's portrayal in Game of Thrones? He's not any better than The Mountain That Eats really, but he seems to be a sick puppy (around Sansa). That should change past episode 7, I think.

The fighting catpeople are James Heller & Alex Mercer. Tomcat virii fighting over territory. I wake up to that shit all the time, except, obviously, the virus part.


Also, Apple of Eden > Alex. SRY

Alex. Only his jacket is all wrong. It sucks major fucking ass when you draw fanart and end up figuring out that you did it wrong. Also, my inking is terrible terrible, and I am never touching anime inking/celshading again.

Desmond's not the only one with tattoos.


Also young!Raistlin what the fuck are you doing there, get out!

Jon Snow & Robb Stark ♥ I followed Jon Snow on twitter (because he talks about how cold it is up at the Wall and whines about not getting enough cuddles all the time) and 'he' & Robb followed me back for some reason, lol.

What do you know?! A Warhammer 40000 Sister of Battle! Those girls are so cool... but guns, man, guns.

A sketch I made way back and am only posting for the nostalgia -- we had this figure back in the club room of our university. PAPA PALPY, fighting Yoda. I sketched it some day. We also had this Darth Vader figure, only he was actually a shampoo bottle if you took off his head.

On with the WoW art: Ceanerthas, my shadowpriest. Storywise, an undead elf. In-game, a beefy belf faggot with super faggy animations. I would racechange his ass to undead if I wasn't cheap.

Cean & Anaerin. My shadow!priest and my pallydan. Storywise, stuff happened between them. It wasn't pretty.

I'm not kidding; this is what I played throughout the whole of Wrath of the Lich King -- 696969 rotation prot paladin. This was my face most of the raids.

Ascylon & Eowendyl. Friends' characters and guildies. Undead shadow priests and female blood elves have infinite synergy. Also, I can't draw straight lines. REMOVE NOSE Y/N?

I made this during WoTLK while we were still progressing on Twin Valkyrs heroic in 25. Too bad we quit before I could finish it :D I kept it because I like the place where their boobies meet. Also got challenged by a friend to finish this. ACCEPTED, BRO.

Arcturos~~ A friend's character, aptly named after him. This is where I decided I was never drawing the plate set from Sunwell ever again because it's a fucking pain in the ass man.

Dalamar, how did you get in here?

Dalamar, what are you doing? I HAVE THE WEIRDEST HET SHIPS I SWEAR TO GOD. Someday I will write this fic too. SOME DAY, ALRIGHT?


A bear grylls!desmond meme template. [AC:B SPOILERS] This was what I originally had in mind. [/AC:B SPOILERS]

Study of Audrey Hepburn! I drew the above Desmond after this, and found out I'd learned from this a lot. :O

Fucking Karen.

Nomnoms. Same idea as with the sketch above, but halfway through drawing that sketch I decided I'd take it to sai to render instead.

Desmond's tat with lots of artistic liberties taken. I will never use pen tool + photoshop again. Still going to brave Illustrator to make Alex's jacket decal though.


THE MERCERS. Only after drawing this did I figure out how much Dana looked like Justin Bieber. It made me sad.

urhurhur i wanted my own ooh mr darcy comic ;_;

only its protocreed and involves tentacles


art, assassin's creed, fanart, wow, fandoms, sketch dump, game of thrones, random, derp, prototype, warcraft, dragonlance

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