Let's stay together, forever. [Chapter 24.2]

Jun 05, 2012 16:52

Title: Let's stay together, forever.
Chapter: 24.2/26
Pairing: [main]KyuMin, [side] EunHae, Yewook, [ninja] ChangBum [kibumxchangmin], SeoKyu,
This chapter: All couple!
Genre: Fluff, romance, friendship, bromance, drama. Angst!!!
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own them all~ *gets hit* Okay... Only in the story... *gets hit again* Okaay... Not at all... Just the story idea...
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun are each others best friend and brother. Ever since they were little, they could never be separated. No matter where Kyuhyun went, his older brother tagged along. Just like wherever Sungmin went, the little one tagged alone. That's why they made a promise when they were little, to always stay together. But will that still be like that when they are older? Even after they both go to different schools and meet new people? Will they be able to stop their feelings from changing? And above of that, will they still be able to keep there promise?

a/n: Hope people still remember this story T__T Sorry for being away again,, life is so hard!! Stupid school and work made me unable to write :/ Here is a 'long' second half of chapter 24~ OH! THIS IS CHAPTER 25 ON AFF!! Before someone may get confused =P

Previous Chapter[s]: Introduction+Prologue. - Chapter 1~  - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9  - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12  - Chapter 13  Chapter 14; PART 1  PART 2 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17- Chapter 18; PART 1PART 2 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20; PART 1 - Chapter 20; PART 2 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22  - Chapter 23 - Chapter 24..1

Chapter 24.2:

Kyuhyun and Sungmin entered their room. They looked around and found out not much had changed. Except the bed. Kyuhyun widened his eyes and he knew Sungmin was thinking the same thing when he heard him cough. Their two bed were now replaced by just one big bed.

Sungmin wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was happy with what he saw. “Wah~ Mom bought a new bed!” He threw himself on the bed and layed with his arms spread out. Kyuhyun wanted to try out the bed too, so he laid himself down next to Sungmin.

Both stared at the ceiling and enjoyed their small moment together in silence.

Kyuhyun turned to his side, to look at his beautiful hyung. A small smile appearred on his face. He looked intentionaly at his hyung. He looked at those lovely eyes, those lovely cheeks, those lovely... lips. He bit his own a bit, wanting to taste those lips. 'Hyung... Why are you so beautiful...'

Sungmin finally noticed Kyuhyun stared at him so he turned his head to the side. He was surprised to see a weird look in Kyuhyun's eyes. It showed so much... Love? Affection? And he was unable to look away from those eyes now. He stared back with a confused look, what made the latter chuckle.

Kyuhyun sat up and took his hyung's hand. "Let's go change already, they must be waiting for us." He lifted Sungmin up by pulling on his hand and released his hand afterwards, much to Sungmin's dismay. But he felt better, when he suddenly felt Kyuhyun's soft lips on his forehead.

He could only stare and blush as the younger one walked to his luggage and took both their swimwears out of it.

"Hurry up, Minnie!" Kyuhyun threw Sungmin's swimming trunks to the latter's head.

"Yah! Why did you do that?" Sungmin looked serious for a second but both soon broke into laughter. Sungmin enjoyed it so much that they were back to normal now.


"Everyone here?" Mom Cho looked around and counted heads, frowning when she missed two persons. "Where are Sungmin and Kyu-"

"Here~" Sungmin exclaimed excited as he dragged Kyuhyun down the stairs.

Mom Cho smirked when she saw the entangled fingers. "Alright, lets go then! If everyone brings something with them, we don't have to come back latter~ " She pointed to the bags with food, beach toys, balls and seats.

Everyone grabbed something excitedly and ran out the door. They were all cheering and happy to go to the beach. Mom and Dad Cho giggled at the cute kids, thinking how much they grew, yet they look so excited like a bunch of little kids, going for the first time to the beach.  Dad Cho pecked his wife's lips and dragged her happily outside.





The kids eyes sparkled as they all observed the beach, except of Kyuhyun and Sungmin of course, who have come here a lot of times already. Though they were really excited too. It had been a long time since they came here after all.

They searched for a nice spot. But it was more difficult that it seems.

"Lets sit there!" "No! I want to sit near th sea!" "We can't Donghae. The water will wet our stuff. Lets sit there!" "But there are rocks!" "Uhmm... Let's sit there then!"

The Kyumin couple just walked slowly behind their arguing friends. Kyuhyun scratched his neck, out of shyness. He felt suddenly shy, walking next to Sungmin here. They didnt know what to talk about. Their converstaion they had just now went to a death end.

"N-Nice weather, huh Hyung?" Kyuhyun suddenly blurted out.

Sungmin laughed cutely and hit Kyuhyun playfully. "Idiot. And yeah, nice weather." Both laughed together again and acted cutely together. And behind them was Mom Cho, making pictures of the couple.

Finally the others found the best space. Together, they all put the stuff down, setting the seats up, their towels and the huge parasol. The boys took of their shirts, while Seohyun and Mom Cho took of their dresses.

"A~SSAA!!!" Eunhyuk and Donghae yelled out loud throwing their arms in the air. "THE LAST ONE IS AN IDIOT!"

Donghae and Eunhyuk sprinted off to the water.

"You're gonna regret that Donghae!" Siwon yelled and sprinted even faster toward the water. He catched up with Donghae and Eunhyuk and jumped as first in the water, as handsome as always. Not hearing all the sqealing girls on the beach.

Donghae was second and sulked. "Thats unfair!" Eunhyuk jumped on Donghae, making both of them fall in the water. Siwon laughed them out, but soon go pulled down by the two in the water. The three of them laughed as they played with the water, splashing it at each other and such.

On the other side, Sungmin and Kibum sat down on a seat and watched the three in the water. Kyuhyun and Changmin were really, really chatting together for the first time. Kyuhyun had to admit he liked Changmin a lot.

Soon some girls came over to their place. Much to Sungmin's dismay, the girls were all over Kyuhyun. One put her hand flirtious on Kyuhyun's should, while others talked cutely, trying to be sexy at the same time. This made Sungmin REALLY pissed. He watched the group as he clenched his fists and biting his underlip furiously. 'Who the hell do they think they are T_T Kyunnie is mine!'

He was about to stand up when he suddenly thought of something. His angry face soon changed to an evil one. He smirked and looked at Kyuhyun, who seemed to enjoy the girls around him a lot. 'So Kyuhyun, you enjoy it so much? Let's see if you will still enjoy it after this~' He though evilly and smiled proudly of his plan. 'Now that he broke up with Seohyun, he must be overprotective again right? This gonna be fun~'

Sungmin was enjoying this way to much...

"Bummie~ Let me borrow you're boyfriend for a moment, 'Kay?" He pointed toward Changmin, who was slowly walking of to somewhere else, he didn't like those girls at all.

Kibum looked at Changmin. 'Since when were we officially together?' Kibum thought. He shrugged, but not denying anything at all. "Sure." He plainly said. He smirked, just like Sungmin was doing now when he figured out what he was planning. 'This boy... So predictable.'

Sungmin sticked out his tongue as he stood up from the seat and hopped happily toward Changmin. "CHANGMINNIE-AH~!"

Kyuhyun looked around, when he heard his hyung's childish voice. He felt his whole body feeling warm when he heard that lovely voice. He smiled brightly when he saw his Sungmin-hyung running cutely. But that soon turned into a gloomy face, when he saw Sungmin on top of Changmin.

He gritted his teeths. He was boiling from the inside. He pushed the girls harsly aside and walked to Changmin and Sungmin.

When Sungmin almost reached Changmin, he let himself trip, making it look like an accident. He and Changmin both fell on the sand. Changmin just ruffled the older's hair. "Are you o-"

"YAH!" Changmin looked up and was surpr- Scrap that. He wasnt surprised at all to see an angry Kyuhyun above him.

Even though Kyuhyun was angry right now, his concern for Sungmin was always greater. "Are you okay, Minnie?" He asked worried. Sungmin nodded at Kyuhyun and looked at Changmin, with the please-play-along look. Changmin looked at Kibum for some reason. Seeing Kibum nod at him, made him decide to help Sungmin.

"Are you really okay?" Changmin touched Sungmin's cheek softly, stroking it slightly. Even Sungmin was surprised by the amazing action of Changmin.

Sungmin acted along and pouted cutely. "I am. Just. Aniyo, it's nothing." He said.

Jealousy took Kyuhyun over... Again. Sungmin glanced at Kyuhyun and tried to surpress his smiled when he saw his plan totally worked.

"OF COURSE HE'S NOT OKAY! Yah, Sungmin. Look here! Are you really okay?!" Kyuhyun lowered himself and cupped Sungmins cheeks after finally getting his attention. He helped Sungmin stand up. Changmin stood up himelf.

Sungmin smiled again to Kyuhyun. "De~ Im feeling great!" He hugged Kyuhyun tightly/ He secretly gestured Changmin that he should go to Kibum. When Changmin left, Sungmin dragged Kyuhyun to the sea.

Kyuhyun was relieved now. He got his hyung's full attention now.

Both played in the sea, joining Siwon, Donghae and Eunhyuk after awhile.


Seohyun looks at the couple in front of her and hugs her legs tigthly. She sighed at first, but ended up with a smile. No matter how sad she was that she and Kyuhyun broke up, she was still happy about what she did. She knew it was the best thing to do, letting him go... But it still hurts to see the one you love with someone else. Even so, she's fine like this.

She suddenly heard a guitar play. She looked to her right and saw a handsome boy on a towel, playing a song, while he was playing the guitar along.

'Geu-dae-reul sa-rang-hae-yo Lovely

Du nun-eul gam-a-bwa-do geu-dae-bo-yeo-yo

I-reoh-ge ba-ra-bo-go

Ba-ra-bwa-do nun-i bu-syeo-yo

Geu-daen na-eui sa-rang-bit'

She didn't even realize she was staring at him until his song ended and he looked curious at her. She blushed and wanted to look away, but when he waved at her, she couldnt just look away. She shyly waved back.

The boy walked up to her and bent down. "Hi! I'm Yonghwa. "

"I'm S-Seohyun."


From behind, Mom Cho was sitting on the stairs, that was placed between their house and the beach. She looked at the playing Kyuhyun and Sungmin from a distance. She smiled bitterly, something she didnt do alot. Everywhere she was known for the always smiling and happy Mrs Cho. But not everything was what is seemed, right? What not many people knew, is that she used to be the matured one among her friends. She never used to be as cheerful as now.

And seeing her kids playing happily like that, made her remind the past she didnt want to think about. Well, it made her happy usually, but today, being on this beach, watching their kids alone, made her feel sad. Really sad...


"Misung-ah! Is that really you?!"

"N-Nayoung... What are you d-doing here? W-When did y-you come back? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Wah~ My unnie looks so good~" Nayoung sticked her tongue out. She totally tried to change the subject then. Seeing the tell-me-now-or-you-are-death face, the woman sighed. "Misung-ah, youre no fun! Why so serious the moment you see me! You didnt missed me unnie?" The way to old women to be pouting, pouted. She looked at her friends face and felt a sudden urge to hug her tightly. So she did.

Misung was surprised by the sudden hug, but hugged back anyway. She too, had missed her best friend so much. Some years ago, her friend Nayoung decided to move away with her husband to Japan. Even though they hated it and tried avoiding it, they still lost contact. But now, her friend finally came back! And she was so happy that she started crying after she felt her dongsaeng sob in her arms. She knew she was crying.

"Misung! I missed you so much." She suddenly cried out. Both of them hugged each other tightly as they cried.

"Mwommy? Why awe youw cwying?" A little boy tugged Nayoungs skirt with teary eyes. "Down't cwy mwommy. Minnie is hewe." The boy reached his bunny to his mom, so she would stop crying, just as she always did to him.

"Aw! Who is this cutie?!" Misung exclaime and lowered to reach for the boy's cheeks. "Is this your son Nayoung? He's as cute as you! oh, my son! My son will love him for sure."

Nayoung nodded and looked around in the house to see her best friend's son. She wanted to see him so badly. She never saw him before, but she already loved him like her own son. "Where is you angel?"

"Oh, come in! So silly of me for not even letting you in! And my angel? Well... Hes more like the devil... But hes sweet when you get to know him! Hes only 3, but already giving me snarky comments all the time."

Nayoung laughed and got even more excited to meet the litttle boy.

"Kyuhyun! Sweetie, come down for a moment!"

"Umma! Wae awe you dishturbwing my game? I was whinning." Little Kyuhyun stomped on the stairs as he walked downstairs, not forgetting to nag his mom for making him lose his game.  The boys reached the hall now and was shocked when he saw the cutest boy he saw in his whole life. He was shut up by the beautifulness as he felt his heart skip a beat. A blush appeared on his face. "Sow pwetty...." He said softly.

The boy smiled at the previous annoyed boy, making the said boy blush even harder. "Me Sungminnie~"  Little Sungmin walked forward to Kyuhyun. But on his way he clumsily trips over his own feet. Kyuhyun saw it coming and stepped forward to catch the little boy before he could fall on the floor. Both looked at each other and smiled warmly at each other.

"LOOK! OUR KIDS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" Nayoung exclaimed as she took pictures of the couple. "LOOK AT THEM MISUNG! AWW! Why arent you excited like me?!"

Misung just chuckled by her dongsaengs reaction. She didnt changed at all."I know, they are indeed super cute together."

On the other side, Kyuhyun was extremely embarrased. He puffed his cheeks and took Sungmins hand. "Letch play in my rwoom." Without waiting for an answer from Sungmin, he just dragged the older boy upstairs with him.

"Lets sit in the living room, its more comfortable there."

Nayoung looked around the room, while Misung was getting some tea. She smiled when she saw baby photos of Kyuhyun and also photos of both of them and their other best friend, Jisoo. A sad smile appearred on her face, but it faded immediately when she hear Misung coming in with the tea.

They sat down and started talking. "Lets take a picture unnie!"

Minsung was worried but agreed anyway. together they made a picture then. After the picture, Nayoung hugged Misung once again out of the blue. "I missed you"She whispered, before turning to the photo again. "I love it! Oh, how is Jisoo? I heard she has a really sweet son too. Hyukjae right?"

"Yeah. Hes really a sweet boy. We should invite them for dinner tonight! The kids can play together then!"

"Nayoung-ah, are you okay? How are you lately?" Minsung was confused when she saw her friend stiffen suddenly.It was silent for a moment, until Nayoung nodded. "Great!"

*End flasback*


Mom Cho looked at the two pictures in her hand. One of Kyuhyun and Sungmin as kids, the one her friend made and another one of herself, and her two best friends. The pictures were now filled with tears, since Mom Cho couldnt hold it back anymore. She let her tears fall silently.

"Stupid! Why did you leave?! " She hiccuped and looked toward the sea, where the boys were playing together now, being all lovey dovey together. "Now you cant see KyuMin together." She choked for a moment in her tears and bit her lip to try avoiding any more tears to fall.

Dad Cho came to her and hugged her immediatelly. He tried comforting her. "Shh... Dont cry. She would't want to see you crying right?"

"B-But I-I miss h-her so much."

"I know honey,... I know."




"I love this beach~"

"Haha I k-"

"You wont ever forget me right?"

"Of course not! You're my most precious friend!"

"Thank you... I will never leave you guys!"




"Ne, Misung-ah. Can you promise me something?"


"You better get those two together~ Hahaha, They look so  cute together!"

"Uhmm... Okay. I promise. Let's get those two together!""Yeah~ HWAITING!"



'Hello? Is this Mrs Cho Misung?'

'Yes? How can I help you?'

'Im sorry to say this but... Im calling for Lee Sungjong and Lee Nayoung... They got in an accident and didn't survive it. '


--end of chapter 24-a/n: I CAN;T GET THE BOLD AWAY T__T Well, hope you enjoyed it~ Half fluff half angst ^^Dont worry, the past of the moms wont

come in later chappies! For the once who though it was boring ... kkkk

fluff, chaptered, yewook, kyumin, fanfics, kimin, let's stay together forever, eunhae, angst, romance

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