Maybe you're the one~ [Characters+Prologue] (Collab with luckysilverlink)

Feb 04, 2012 15:09

Hii everyone~ I'm starting a new collab fic with my friend from my school, Yin~ a.k.a.
luckysilverlink  @lj~ We're the main characters in this fic and it's a Super Junior, BEAST, B1A4 and later TVXQ [and maybe others] fandom ^^ I can't believe I actually have NO KyuMin in the fic!!, But who knows xD You all know me well enough, so probably there will come some KyuMin here xD  Hope you'll enjoy our fic and love it, even though there is no KyuMin and OC's!!

~~~~Maybe you're the one~~~~
Title: Maybe you're the one.
Chapter: Characters+Prologue/?
Main pairings: Kikwang/Yin (OC) Henry/Yin (OC), Donghae/Arisu (OC), Kyuhyun/Arisu (OC)
-Side pairings: Junhyung/Hyungseung, Kyuhyun/SungMin,
Genre: Romance, fluff, friendship, slight!drama, family.
Rating: G
luckysilverlink Disclaimer: We own ourselves and the idea~
Summary: Two tranfered students, an arrogant idol, two hot savers, a forbidden love and six beating hearts.

A love story of two girls, who find love for the first time. A girl who is only left with her brother after her parents get in an accident and has no other option than moving with him to Korea, where she meets her brothers friend. And a girl, who had the dream to go to Korea and finally find a chance to go, when her friend has to move to Korea with his younger sister. Both the girls enter Seoul Art School, where they become the best friends, get bullied by the arrogant idol of the school, get rescued by the two hot dancers and fall in love. But what happens if after falling in love the first time, that other person comes in their heart. Who will be the one? Who will they like the best?

Main Characters:
[Will be updated as people come in the fic]

Name: Song Arisu
Age: 16
Song Arisu is a girl who moved from Japan to Korea, the country that she has been obsessed with her whole life. Her father is dutch, while her mother is half Japanese, half korean. She moves next to her friend, Hangeng, who moved from China to Korea. She is really close with her cousin Kyuhyun, since their mother's are siblings. She's known for being sleepy most of the times and has an obsession with kpop, variety shows, plushies and her bias, Yoon Shi Yoon. She is a shy, yet blunt girl with a short temper, who loves changing her hair. [blond in prologue, changes to red in ch/1]

Name: Han Yin
Age: 16
Han Yin is a girl who moved from China to Korea after her parents died in an accident. Her brother takes care of her from then on. She meets Hangeng's friend on the airport and finds out they will be neighbors and classmates. She's really close with her brother, even though they lived apart before the accident. She's known for being hungry a lot and she always says 'sorry' a lot of times. Even if it's not even her fault. She too has an obsession with kpop, music, loves to karate and is a really sweet, cheerful girl. She never really gets pissed off fast, except with a boy she meets in her new school.

Name: Lee Gikwang
Age: 18
The school's kinka and the leader of GK. He goes to Seoul Art School, major in Dance. Because of a fight between him and Donghae, the school is divided in two groups. No one knows the secret relation between him and Donghae and how the fight became like this. He loves to bully the two transfer students, especially Yin. His best friend is Yang Yoseob. His biggest enemy is of course Donghae. He's also jealous that Donghae is his favorite hyung's favorite.

Name: Lee Donghae
Age: 17
He's also the school's kinka, but doesn't like to be called like that. His major is Dance too. He's not just handsome, but has the sweetest personality in the whole school. Everyone adores his personality. And even some people from the enemy group would love to be friends with him. He doesn't really care much about his fight with Gikwang. He tries to ignore the latter as much as possible. Well that was, until he saw him bullying the girl he starts to like from the first time he saw her.

Name: Cho Kyuhyun
Age: 18
Cho Kyuhyun is a genius, who skipped a lot of grades. While most kids from his age are just in high school, he's in his second year of college. He's the cousin of Arisu. His best friend is Lee Sungmin, his two years older hyung and has a close relationship with his past sunbae. But he stopped treating him like one, the moment his sunbae ended up repeating years, while he skipped them. Aside from being a college student, he has two part-time job in a café and a night club.

Name: Henry Lau
Age: 17
Henry Lau is a Chinese-Canadian boy. He's one of Donghae's best friends. He's in the same major as Donghae. They dance a lot together. He's also a nice boy, a bit shy though. He moved from China to Korea, since his father got a new job offered.

Name: Han Geng
Age: 19
Han Geng is the big brother of Yin and also Arisu's friend. He studied in Japan, where he met Arisu. When he found out about the accident of his parents, he went to China for his sister. Both of them left for Korea. He asked his friend along, since he knew she wanted to go there badly. He's a protective brother, who tries his best to get money and survive with his sister.

"Oppaaa!!!" A petit girl with long blond, brown hair walked with her suitcase through the airport. Talking with her cousin on the phone. She walked sleepily around, not exactly knowing where to go. she was too sleepy from the journey to Korea. She didn't want to wake up and that was seen in her looks.

"Su-ah!" Her cousin answered on the other side of the line. She smiled as she heard the voice that she missed so much. She swore that her cousin had the most husky, wonderful voice on earth. She seriously wanted to hear him sing so badly now. She couldn't wait to see him now. "Did you arrive already?" He asked her.

"Yup. I just came out of the plane. I'm searching for the exit, but my eyes are to tired to see the letters." She sighed as she was slumping now. Her body felt tired and she longed for a bed at the moment. Not to forget her 1 metre Winnie the pooh that she was carrying along during the whole flight. It was now seated neatly on her suitcase.

"Seriously, Su. Why are you always tired? As long as i've known you, there was nothing else on your head than sleeping, computering and well... nothing else." Her cousin's laugh was heard from the other side of the line. Arisu pouted to herself and looked around for the exit. "I wanted to say, and eat, but you would rather skip eating than leaving your pc or bed for a moment."

"Yah! Don't be so mean! We haven't spoken each other in such a long time, and this is how you start it." The girl whined as she rubbed her eyes to see if she could read the board better that way. Without any succes. She sighed and decided to sit.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. So how was your flight? Did it go well?" The boy chuckled and waited for an answer. An answer he didn't recive thought. It was silent for a moment, until he probably realized what happened. "YA! SU! DON'T FALL ASLEEP!" The girl shot up with eyes wide open. She looked around and realized she fell asleep, just like that.

"I'm sorry, Kyu. I'm just so tired. How late is it?" The girl asked. she wasn't able to see the clock, since it was meters away from her. She played with her feet and stared at them.

"Let me see... 10... 35" He replied. He chuckled again as he heard he gasp.

"SERIOUSLY! THE BUS IS GOING AWAY IN A FEW MINUTES! KYU! GOT TO GO! SEE YOU SOON!" And before her cousin could say something, she grabbed her stuff and ran away, suddenly seeing as good as a hawk.

She ran as fast as she could [really, that wasn't that fast.] through the airport. Dodging people on the way. Until she bumped into someone and fell backwards on her but. "Ouchh~"

~At the other side~

"Why I'm always hungry!? It's pretty annoying right now." A chinese girl with long black hair with a not so happy mood (because she was hungry) walked out of the airport and start searching her brother. She took her phone and called her only left piece family.

"Aah! Sissy!"

"I said don't call me that!"

"Sorrys Sissy! Bwahahaah! But where are you?"

"No where are you?" She's getting angry. "Damn. What are you wearing?"

"A red hoodie with..."

"...A jeans and black shoes."

"How do you know..."


"Aaah!" Her brother jumped and kicked the girl almost in her stomach. She wasn't angry at al! She was laughing out loud. "Haha! You're still easily scared aren't you!?" The girl smirked and look at the funny shocked face of her brother.

"Still the same annoying sister." She glared at him. "Wauw. You've practice!?" He starts laughing and blocked her arm. "I still not like you're hobby... Wth have you chosen Karate!?"

"Because it's ASIAN!" She jumped in his arms. "I've miss you!!"

"Wauw. You're heavy!"

"I have the black belt now you know that right?"

"No I didn't. But you're my sister and I love you."

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

She murmered and looked at the big clock (Really why are those trainclockthings that big?! We aren't blind! And if you're blind you can't see anything anyway! But it's still useful)

"Holy moollieeee hannie! THE BUS!" She almost fell out his arms,

"I'm going to get some food! Make the bus wait!"

"The bus is almost going!! I can't..."

"Just do it ok?"

"Wait you said food... FOOOOOOOD!" She jumped up and down. It doesn't bother her if people staring at her. They just jealous! I'm going to eat soon.

"My friend is waiting there too, she's coming with us." O yeah. He had a friend called.... Euhm.... Al... Arl... Ha..Mmh to hungry for thinking!

"Ok. Love ya! See ya!" She hugged him but almost killed him. And ran quickly to the door.

She saw a bus coming. "Please don't go!! Without me! WAIT!" Wow! The chinese girl bumped to another girl and fell forwards on the ground. I don't know whats wrong with me but I always fall forwards.


A petit girl with long blond, brown hair sat on the ground behind me (no not that way you pervert!).

"Oh I'm sorry!" The chinese girl stood up and helped the other girl. "I'm really sorry! Sorry but I have to go. Sorry." Why four times sorry? Because that's her word! SORRY!

The blond girl stood up with the help of the person and cleaned her butt with both hands. "Aish." She said to herself and looked at the person who bumped into her. "It's okay. I'm fine. Don't have to say that many times sorry."

The chinese girl laughed and smiled to the blond girl. “Mmh… I don’t know what to say. And you’re not the only one who said to me for not saying ‘sorry’ that many!” She stopped with laughing and smiling when she realized that the bus just left..

The other girl looked at the blabbering girl and smiled arkwardly. She looked to the bus stop where she was heading to, and saw the bus leaving. The girl cursed the bus in her head and sighed before pouting to the same way. She really felt like crying. She had to call her cousin now that she missed the bus and seriously... she wasn't really looking forward to the snarky or mean comment he would make.

“Curse you stupid time!” She yelled to the big useful clock. And saw a few people staring at her. She stopped with yelling and sighed. "So why are you here?" She asked.

The blond girl giggled as she heard that they both missed the same bus. People were staring at the girl, what made the petit girl laugh out loud. Now people were also staring at her. "I came here to study. My friend is here too. But I guess he left with the bus already. Guess we're both not lucky." The girl said after she could talk probably again.

“Really?” The Chinese girl sighed. “So where are you going to study?” She was curious of the name of the school. Because she also has to study here in Seoul.

“Euhm…” The other girl said tiredly as she rubbed her eye,trying to remember the name. “SAS I think.”

“Seoul Art School? Aah. Seoul Art School.” She repeat the name a few times and looked everywhere. And saw the HUGE Winnie the pooh

“Why are you…”

“SEOUL ART SCHOOL!” She yelled and looked happy.

“Why are you yelling…” The other girl was shocked by the suddenly yell. “And why so happy?”

“Mmh nothing.”


“I’m just trying to wake you u-”

"Hey guys!" Both  looked around to see the person who called them and they both stared at the same guy and smiled.

“Geng.” The blond girl said it softly. Too tired for yelling his full name.

“GeGe! You brought food with you!” The blond girl frowned after hearing what the girl said. Yeah she’s awake now.

“Wait how do you know my brother?”  The Chinese girl looked confused to her brother and the girl with the huge Winnie the pooh.

"He's my friend from Japan. We moved together here." The girl pointed at the man. "By any chance... Is he your brother?"

"Yeah... Are you the friend who's going to live next to us?"

"I think so." The girl scratched her head before reaching out her hand to the girl with the food in her hand. "I'm Song Arisu~" She suddenly said cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you, Song Arisu!" Food girl shook her hand with Arisu. "I'm Han Yin"

They both bowed and bumped their heads.

"Ouh! I'm sorry!" Both exclaimed.

-end prologue-

fluff, chaptered, oc, maybe you're the one, fanfics, friendship, romance, haesu, drama

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