Jul 09, 2011 13:31

I'm so freaked out at the moment!!
My storyline for Let's stay together forever is completely gone!1
I wrote it on a paper and it's gone now...
I had the whoel story on it, and i can't find it ANYWHERE!
I feel so bad right now..
Because of a small disorder in my head, i can't remember things well without my pills,
&& I didn't take my pills during the period i wrote it, so i can't remeber much of it :/
I'm really stressed right now, since for me it's really important
I have a feeling someone threw it away...
But everyone here does as if it's nothing and ignores me when i ask about the paper.
They think it's not important anyway, since it's just a stroy!
But to me it's not just that...
I'm really sawwry everyone!!
I have to think of a new plot, since i seriously can't remember much of it Q_____Q
And i was so happy and proud of it, when i wrote it...
BEcause of that, there is a possibility that there will come less or more chapters than 26...
I think less...
kekek, i hope i won't bother people with that...
I got mad at school, cuz people try to let me get kicked out of school.. and it made me emotional unstable and then a few other things came up and it made it worse :/
In the end my body gave up and got tired out, because of the problems!!
That's why i didn't come much on msn {vivi, lainny && teresa~!!}
I only read some things to relax and make my mind,, but i try to write as much as i can!!
I'm gonna write the plot from now on again, but on the pc!!
Since i can't write without that... kekeke.
So please wait for an update!!!
I will hear if i can continue on this school, or have to leave tuesday!!
And i will get my report thursday,, I ahve to go to school then just for my report and books =(
And i'm gonna leave for 5 weeks to spain in 10 DAYS!!
I wanted to finish LSTF before then,, but i'm not sure if i can do that right now :/

let's stay together forever, random stuff

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