
Sep 18, 2008 14:38

i havent logged into livejournal in just about forever.
i just got a new mac, and while i cant connect to the internet from home, sitting at a table by the pool is doing just fine. and its sunny (gasp!) for about the millionth day in a row here in san diego. i have been here a little more than three months and it literallly has rained one time. i woke up one morning and went outside with my coffee, and was very confused. everything was wet but they dont turn the sprinklers on until about eleven at night. cars had their windshield wipers on. it seriosuly took me about five minutes to connect the dots and realize that it was raining. then it stopped.

other than that, things have been so good here. ive started working out at the gym here, and while im certainly not ready to start training the way i used to i have already seen a pretty big difference. which is great, because im all about instant gratification. i would find it much much more difficult to hang out on the ellipitical for 45 minutes a day if i didnt already feel like my body looks better.

reid of course is wonderful. yesterday was our six month anniversary, and while i had to spend it alone it was ok. he hid a digital camera in the second bedroom as my present and he will be home in about twenty minutes, and i am very excited to see him. i have been learning sort of how to cook and definitely plan on making dutch pancakes (sort of like traditional pancakes, but then you put them into the oven and they get all puffy) with honey tomorrow morning and bringing him breakfast in bed. i believe that the only other time i've done that was for alex's 21st birthday, i made pancakes and they were pretty much raw in the middle. but hopefully tomorrow works out better :)

street scene starts tomorrow and i could not be more excited about it- the national, tv on the radio, vampire weekend, cold war kids, mgmt, devotchka, everytime i look at the lineup i get wiggly. i really am particularly excited about vampire weekend and ESPECIALLY the national. they're probably my favorite band of the past year or so and i've missed them every time i had the opportunity to go see them so i cant wait.

plus, emily is coming out here nxt month, on the 13th. she turns 21 on the 15, the same day that i turn 23, and im so happy that she will be here on our birthday to celebrate. we did it last year together and this year will be even better, i think. plus she has never met reid and i think that they will really get a long.

which brings me to the fact that i still havent really made any friends. its difficult because im shy and really not the type of person to just approach someone and be like hey! lets go get a drink~! i was friends with this girl nicole but she turned out to be just about the meanest person i have ever in my life met. then i was starting to hang out with a girl from work, but she is really wild and parties REALLY really hard which i cant really do anymore, im 23 and my time to get blackout drunk and make out with boys whose names i will not remmeber in the morning is over. there are a lot of girls my age in the complex i live in, but everyone is so rich and tiny and fake boobed and blonde- there is no common ground between me and that type of girl. i have met a lot of really shallow people here. i miss new haven because i feel like there were a lot more people like me, interested in art and music and literature, the type of girl who i could totally hang out with at book trader and drink iced coffees with, until we decided it woul dbe fun to get glasses of wine at BAR and get tipsy during the afternoon. i dont know, i probably in the wrong neighborhood if thats what im expectng out of ppl but disappointing none the less. i went into a store the other day because i was hoping to get a new shirt for street scene, and they were having a big sale. the cheapest thing i could find was a seventy dollar pair of flip flops. SEVENTY DOLLARS FOR FLIP FLOPS i was like WTF YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. i almost only ever buy the old navy flip flops that are like two pairs for five dollars. they're flip flops for gods sakes! but the type of people who live around here, that makes perfect sense to them. there are a bunch of girls sitting at the pool behind me and they are really obnoxiously flaunting their wealth (well daddy's wealth, most likely) i dont know. whatever.
as soon as i get eligibility for residency- probably the winter, i am planning on enrolling in school here, maybe UCSD or SDSU and earning a ba in english, or something similiar, i want to be a high school english teacher now. not very glamourous, and certainly not what i ever expected, but i've been thinking about it a lot and it makes the most sense to me.

wow long entry huh? i guess thats what i get for not writing for thirteen weeks.
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