Someone ate her Perv Flakes this morning

Mar 09, 2007 23:32

Title: Better Than the Playgirl Channel
Fandom: RPF
Characters/Pairings: Eliza Dushku, Zooey Deschanel, implied Eliza/Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own them, but I'm pretty sure they own me
Note: Sort of a pre cursor to Strange and Beautiful

Zooey sighed, looking over at her friend. “Eliza, we’ve been channel surfing for an hour. I don’t wanna hear anymore about Brangelina and Shiloh, I just wanna find something good or go home.”

“Home has the same channels,” she pointed out.

Another sigh from Zooey made Eliza roll her eyes. “I know, Zo. You’re antsy. Just give me another half hour and I promise you will have more eye candy than you can handle.”

“Why, what happens in an hour? You get the Playgirl channel or something?”

“No!” Eliza paused. “Wait, do they even have that?”

“They have an entire channel just for gardening,” Zooey offered.

“Really?” Eliza shook her head. “Anyway, no. We have something much better than the Playgirl channel.”

“Gay porn?”

Eliza tossed the wrapper of her ice cream bar at her. “What is with you tonight!? Someone ate her Perv Flakes this morning.”

Zooey giggled, batting it onto the floor where Max was waiting, and barked gratefully. “Perv Flakes!?" she said between giggles. "Are those near the Fruity Pebbles? Because otherwise I probably missed them.”

“Look, I just wanna watch my hot boyfriend kill things with rock salt for an hour, alright!?”

“I knew it! You have got it bad, Eliza.”

“Have you seen my boyfriend?”

Zooey grinned. “Done pretty well for yourself, I gotta admit.”

“So you’ll stay and watch it with me?” Eliza said hopefully.


“Hot boys! Hot boys who kick ass!”

“Alright, I’ll stay. Just try not to squeal every time Jensen comes on screen okay?”

“Oh, I’m gonna,” Eliza said happily, propping her feet up on Zooey’s lap.

Zoeey laughed, playfully batting them away. “Get your smelly feet off me!”

“Don‘t know what you‘re talking about, Zo. They smell great.” There’s a pause before Jensen’s voice announces: “Previously on Supernatural…”

“You tell them, Jen!”

Zooey bites back another grin. “Do you always yell at the TV while you’re watching it?” she asked, attempting her best mature tone.

“Yes, now shut up; Dean’s talking.”

“I’m sorry Eliza, but your boyfriend is a total jerk on this show.”

“Correction:Dean is a jerk.” She grinned. “If you’re more of a Sammy kinda girl…”

“What? No! Just making an observation. I’m not into Jared.”

“Jared! You said Jared! How did you know his name was Jared!?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because there’s the name Jared Padalecki in the credits in capitals, and oh yeah, the fact that you talk about Jensen and Jared every five seconds,” she snapped.

“Touchy!” Eliza said with a grin. “He’s recently single, if you’re interested.”

“I’m not!” Zooey clammed up until she watched Jared strut toward his suitcase, wet, half naked, and wearing a very loose towel. “Okay, how single?”

jensen/eliza, jared/zooey, zooey deschanel, eliza dushku

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