We used to look up to you

Oct 09, 2006 02:13

Title: Second Day Slump
Fandom: Angel
Characters: Cordy
Season: 2
Rating: G
Prompt: change
Written For:open_on_sunday

Cordelia sighed, biting her lip and running her fingers through her hair that had been a great deal longer before she had walked into Helga’s House of Beauty.

Now, she wasn’t blaming Helga, (or Krissy according to the nametag) her hair had looked awesome the day before. It was cut, dyed, styled, and blow-dried to perfection. But, she was sorry to see that she now looked like some sort of small mammal had made a home on the top of her head.

After all, wasn’t that the first rule of haircuts? Nothing could never quite top that first day‘s glow.

cordelia chase, drabbles, open on sunday

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