The sky's gonna open

Oct 06, 2006 17:29

Title: Peer Pressure
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Eliza Dushku, Jared Padalecki and Christian Kane
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Never happened, not even once, although if it did, should be filmed and shown every Christmas.

“Is it just me, or do you get prettier every time I see you?”

Eliza grinned, turning around and throwing her arms around Chris. It kind of amazing how different he looked when he wasn‘t in lawyer mode, but somehow, he managed to pull off both.

“Hey, Chris!” She scowled, pulling away. “Hey, wait a sec, shouldn’t you be up there singing or did I pay an eight dollar cover charge to watch you standing around looking pretty?”

“Well, hell, Eliza. I could have found a way to get you out of the eight bucks.”

She brightened. “Really? So you can like… get me a refund? You know, in case I’m less than pleased with the entertainment,” she teased.

“Actually, could have snuck you through the back door,” he teased back, scanning the room. “And where’s that asshole otherwise known as your boyfriend?”

“He’s at the bar,” she said, glancing over. “Or he was…”

“Until I saw Chris over here with that stupid grin on his face,” Jensen answered, slipping his arms around her waist. “Better watch this one, Eliza, charm the panties off you in under a minute.”

“And we know this from experience, do we?”

“Oh totally,” Jen answered, pressing a kiss to her neck. “We’ve had some good times, huh, Chris? Remember Mexico?”

“You’re sick, Ackles,” he said with a grin. “Besides, your girl’s right. Should be getting up there soon.” He plopped his hand on his head, winking in Jen’s direction. “Don’t you two have too much fun now.”

“Break legs!” Eliza called.

“Yeah, and maybe a hip!” Jensen added, getting a well deserved smack on the shoulder from his girlfriend.

“You’re so mean!”

“Ow! Come on, Eliza, he knows I’m kidding. Oh, and here’s your beer.”

“Finally!” She took a sip, frowning as she followed Jensen’s gaze across the bar. “You okay, Jen? Your other date not show up or something?”

“What?” he asked distractedly before finally returning her gaze. “Oh, it’s nothing. I asked Jared if he wanted to come, but I guess he’s busy with Sandy.”


“Yeah, girlfriend.”

Eliza‘s eyes widened. “You mean he has one of those!?” she joked. “Because the way you talk about him, could have sworn you were his girlfriend!”

“Shut up! I just wanted you two to meet, is all.” He grinned, taking a sip of his beer. “Compare notes on how awesome I am.”

“See, that? That’s never gonna happen,” a voice drawled from behind him.

“Jared!” Jen exclaimed, hugging his friend a smidge longer than what Eliza liked to call normal for a heterosexual man.

Jensen quickly made introductions, but neither of them needed them. They stood in an awkward silence, not because of tension, but the fact that they already knew pretty much all there was to know about each other. Somehow, they knew “I’ve heard so much about you.” couldn’t quite cover it.

“Hey, Eliza? What was Max doing the other day? You never got to finish the story in the car.” Jensen supplied, knowing Jared couldn’t resist a good dog story like the girl he was.

She smiled, always ready to tell a story about her baby and soon the two of them were talking at a rapid pace about everything from leashes to the horror of doggie Halloween costumes.

“Really? A play date would be kinda cool! I mean, Max hardly gets any doggie interaction until we go to the park. He really could use-”

“Will you two keep it down!?” Jensen snapped. “Can barely hear the music over your yakking.”

“Sorry,” they whispered in unison before bursting into giggles.

He rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his beer as the stage’s spotlight somehow found it’s way on him.

“There he is!” Chris yelled.

“What the fuck are you doing, Chris?” Jensen hissed, eyes watering at the intensity of the lights.

“Giving you some spotlight, Jen. Now come on, don’t you wanna come up and sing?”


“Yes he does!” Eliza all but shrieked. “He’d looooove to sing with you, Chris.”

“Can he sing?” Jared whispered.

“No idea,” she whispered back. “Does the shower count?”

“I can so,” he snapped, looking back at them.

“Then get your ass up here, Jenny,” Christian said silkily.

“Oh, it’s on now,” Eliza said triumphantly.

“Yeah, Jenny,” Jared teased.

Jensen groaned, sitting down his beer. “One song, Kane. And it better be a quick one.”

“Yes!” Eliza squealed, smacking Jared’s shoulder. “Told you he’d do it.”

Jensen sighed. Maybe Eliza and Jared got along a little too well.

jensen/eliza, rpf, jensen/jared, christian kane

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