
Aug 06, 2007 21:43

Title: Poisoned
Fandom: Rockstar Addict Verse
Characters/Pairings: Scarlett/Hunter, Riley
Rating: PG-13 (implied drug use)
Prompt: 15_song_titles: Tear You Apart
Disclaimer: All belongs to vylentcrymz and I
Note: We all knew the angst was coming eventually.

When she finds the needle in the trash can, and her boyfriend practically catatonic on the bed, she doesn't scream or yell, or do anything she thought she would when something like this happened.

She leaves.

Just up and leaves the room as fast as her legs can carry her before the tears cloud her vision, and their bland salt water taste creeps it's way into her mouth.

She makes her way halfway down the stairs before she crashes into someone. Scarlett supposes she should have expected it. You could never be alone in a house like this. Company was always weaving it's way in and out, and she used to revel in it, but in this moment she doesn't want her almost family or even him. Scarlett wants to run as far away as possible to where no one knows her name, watches her movies or takes her pictures.

She's sure she can be a nameless faceless girl easily enough. If there's one thing she's mastered, it's how to blend.

The brightly colored silk shirt and the sharp smell of floral hairspray tell her it's Riley, but to her credit she doesn't bother Scarlett with questions she couldn't answer if she wanted to.

The only sound coming out of her mouth are harsh, shaky sobs, a strange crying language that only the brokenhearted can understand. It's strange, having a moment like this one with a girl she barely knows. A girl who usually has a witty remark or comeback for everything. She holds on tightly until the sobs subside, the combined smell of Riley's hair care products and citrusy perfume clear her head like an early morning shower before opening her mouth to speak, but for some reason she almost feels like she doesn't have to. The girl in front of her is looking at her with sympathetic brown eyes that have a subtle gleam of I told you so.

Then Scarlett does something unexpected. She laughs. A sad pathetic little laugh for the mess she's gotten herself into. Love truly was blind and she practically needed a cane. Hunter was a trainwreck and she walked right onto the tracks.

Riley's still watching her and when Scarlett finally feels brave enough for eye contact again, she asks her only one question: "What do I do?"

She's ready for anything, a whole speech even. Riley's got street smarts, a quiet observant quality about her even behind the sharp tongue that Scarlett has never quite been able to capture on film, but her answer is short, and surprisingly powerful.

"What you have to."

So she does. She's on a morning bus before the date even changes, but she can't shake the feeling that she'll be back. Hunter has his addictions, his demons to fight against, and she has hers.

She just can't shake the feeling that hers are harder to deal with. Love is as strong as poison as any.

And even harder to get rid of.
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