No Second Chances

Jul 24, 2007 01:31

Title: No Second Chances
Fandom/Verse:Supernatural: The Devil's in the Details
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Supernatural's Kripke's, but Lilly and Dodger are property of vylentcrymz and I
Prompt: 100songs: At the Beginning
Note:Table is here.

She would say that it started out simply enough, but then again anyone over those awkward teen years where sleeping around was practically encouraged could tell you that sex is never simple.

She remembers the day almost as vividly as any other, even though she can't tell you the date or time, just that she was wearing a white lace sundress and dusting the windows. Looking back, she's certain that's why he walked in the store in the first place. The dress was her favorite, and she loves it even more now, though she'd never admit it's only because that day was the start of this whole mess, but it was short, not to mention it had a slightly revealing neckline which she's sure Dodger appreciated.

Lilly didn't notice him until the bell over the door rang and she nearly fell off of her stool, startled by the sudden sound. Although Dodger was handsome enough to make her edgy for an entirely different reason. His blonde hair was speckled with rain drops fat enough to catch the light streaming in from the store window. He looked slightly weary, and had a few days worth of stubble along his jawline, but his blue eyes had a mischievous glint in them, even before he said anything. Their eyes caught for only a brief moment before he started milling about the store, picking up chicken feet and other assorted trinkets with little interest before finally setting his sights on her again.

"Nice place," he said appreciatively. "You a witch?"

She remembers smoothing out her dress self consciously, wondering if he was into the craft, but even then he gave off an energy she couldn't quite describe, and still can't. He still makes her feel uneasy, there's an unspoken sense of danger around him, though she can never really put her finger on why.

"Yes," she said slowly. "Do you dabble a bit yourself?"

He snorted. "Fuck, no. You won't catch me dancing naked under the full moon anytime soon."

She was naturally infuriated, but she really didn't have time to let the feelings boil over. As soon as he said it, she could feel his eyes back on her, and she began to wonder if he was picturing her under that moon instead. The thought brought a blush to her cheeks, and she nearly ran back behind the counter to hide.

"Nevermind then," she said almost coldly, more angry at herself for letting them get to her than anything else.

"Hey now, is that any way to treat a customer?"

"Well, customer, considering you've just insulted me and my real customers, I'd say I don't owe you anything."

Her sudden passion surprised her more than anything. Lilly had always considered herself a levelheaded person who was pretty good at holding her tongue, but there was something about this guy. As silly as it sounds, she felt something starting to change the second he walked in the door.

Then he smiled. He actually smiled at her before walking over to her, standing just closely enough to make her heart race just a little bit more. "Look, I'm sorry, that was kind of rude of me. Let's start over, I'm Dodger."

"Technically we didn't even start. And I'm Lilly. And Dodger!?" she asked, puzzled. "How is that even a real name?"

"I insult your little witch stuff, you insult my name. I guess that's fair. And you know I could say the same to you. Is that your real name or one you gave yourself to fit in with your fellow tree children?"

She tried to form a snappy comeback, but none came. He was already inching closer by now, and she began to wonder if Dodger really did have some magic of his own considering his gaze turned her into mush. "I..."

"You know, it's a shame you're so high strung. You really are a beautiful woman."

If she couldn't speak before, she definitely wouldn't be able too now, but somehow words managed to find their way to the tip of her tongue as she said: "You know, you're not so bad yourself."

Some days she wishes she would have said something else, or at least resisted a little while longer, but after that, he smirked that signature Dodger Wells smirk that she just couldn't say no to.

By now he was too close for comfort, but she was already uncomfortable. Her heart was pounding so hard she began to wonder if he could see it hammering through the thin material of her dress. Her head was spinning, and the room suddenly felt like Milo had hopped up on the radiator and played with the thermostat, but she did the only thing she could.

She kissed him.

And even on cold, rainy days like this one, when she's staring out the window and wondering where in the hell he is, Lilly's almost proud of that.
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