China Buffet

Apr 02, 2007 17:09

Title: China Buffet
Fandom: Angel
Characters/Pairings:The Fanged Four
Rating: PG
Prompt:open_on_sunday: dinner
Word Count:100

“Well, that was bracing. What do you say we do now?”

Darla sighed, resting her head on Angelus’ shoulder. “I’m famished. Are we ever going to get something to eat?”

“Take your bloody pick,” Spike said, nodding toward the peasants running in from all directions. “Like a regular smorgasbord.”

“They make such pretty music,” Drusilla swooned, resting a hand on her forehead.

“That they do, baby. That they do…I’m kinda in the mood for Chinese,” Spike added.

Darla snorted. “It’s like you said, William. Take your pick, there are thousands scampering around like rabbits.”

“Was thinking some egg rolls, actually.”

the fanged four, drabbles, open on sunday

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