I'm currently sitting in my room playing with mixers and biscuits whilst trying to write a submissions letter for Arvon '10. Kind of... bad planning. I was supposed to be going to an "Animals on Acid" (right up my street!!!) fancy dress party tonight but too many essays mean no good times to be had. Basically, m'just faffing about listening to the Sparks. Little changes in life, does it?
Sorry for the little whingefest the other day. I feel a bit... well, it would be a lie to say I feel better, but I feel more.... Well, I know where I am now, leaving me free thought-shelves to worry about more important things. Moving swiftly onwards.
Some of you know I have a bit of thing for taxidermy (Not things wot 'ave been peoples pets, but things like birds and foxes and random voles etc.) If I had been less of a squeampot, maybe I could have been a taxidermist..? Either way, that wasn't what i wanted to talk about, what I wanted to mention was...
Taxidermist Trailer - Bertie Films Watch that, please do. It's the ad for a 22 minute short and it looks brillopads. Even if it's a bit naff, I'll probably enjoy it, so you can all be quiet.
Some of you may also know that I own a stuffed raven called "Pebbles".
Jesus, you know those days when you wish you'd gone out somewhere? I crave a walk. Or sitting on a bench with somebody, a bit cold-bummed but happy. I strongly regret not going to that party (As LSD-lion of course...) or at least kicking myself out the house for a bit. I feel very cooped up; I'm going to end up punching a widow. I want to see one person right now, and it's not who I am supposed to want to see. THAT IS LESS FANTASTICALLY CRYPTIC THAN IT SOUNDS. I'm not being evasive, it's just true.
Oh look, this entry isn't going anywhere. Here, have a spectacular video:
Click to view
I have created a small exhibit of nice sweets in my bottom drawer, and I and it shall now spend some time together.