Six Weird Facts
1. I always, always have at least one book out from the library. I go into depression if I don't. I therefore keep a reserve of my own books left unread just in case. I also have my library card number memorized.
2. I have a habit of walking up the stairs for some purpose and then forgetting what it was. Within five steps away from the bottom of the staircase, I remember. I go up again. Sometimes, I manage to forget again.
3. I've had stitches done for injuring my chin while swimming. Twice. For doing the exact same thing. I was ever the smartest child.
4. The stereotypically "cool" person scares me. It's unnatural.
5. The only telephone number I have memorized outside of my relatives' is Megan's. She was the only person I phoned in elementary. Everyone else phoned me if they needed help. Megan was also my ride to everything. She still is. Megan is teh rawk.
6. Some people bite their nails. I pick at them. I can't help it; it's unconscious. o.o"
There's, uh, basically no one left untagged on LJ. Except perhaps those that don't read their f-list.
dj_danester5. Dorothay
6. Tasha
+ one more to make up for possible non f-list readers.
7. Megan