Jan 14, 2007 11:34
I'm in D.C.
Yesterday left at like 4 AM and got here around 11:00AM. Drank mimosas (yum!), went to Wegman's gourmet food (and tried Tsar salmon=delicious! too bad its 40$ a pound), napped, ate and tried to describe the differences in 3 different wines without using weird wino words, such as mettalic, resounding, etc. Talked a lot with the family we're staying with. Oh yes, got to hold three bricks: 1 from Hadrian's tomb, 1 from the Roman sunken road, and 1 from the lowest (oldest) foundation in Rome. History=<3
Today (so far) had an hour long conversation about universal human consciousness, shamanism, anthropology, energy, time travel, and that feeling you've been to a place before-- genetic memory? Exhilarating.
I'm going to the Native American Museum shortly.