
Jun 10, 2008 15:56

Just drop by to post something I wrote more than a week ago. xD

Listening to music is my very important therapy. I've been listening to some new music (not really new actually) from 3 bands I respect. I once planned to buy these albums but I didn't. Obviously I have my other priorities. I feel a bit pity though, because these 3 albums are actually great and worth it. My kitty bank just didn't support me well.

Umm these are the albums I'd like to comment on:

[Killer Show] - ナイトメア (NIGHTMARE)

1. パンドラ (Pandora) : I love this song!!

It reminds me of Kagrra,'s, lol. It has this traditional gloomy tone, very thick and cool. Love the thrilling guitar melody and deep bass line. I always like this kind of song--just like Tsuki No Hikari Utsutsu No Yume.

2. DIRTY : It has unique arrangement, like combining two different songs into one cool piece. I like the verse-chorus part. IMHO this song is 'very Nightmare'.

3. the LAST SHOW : Hard and jazzy, similar type with Dasei Boogie. Very suitable with the title. Catchy!

4. TrickSTAR : The intro is actually interesting. I think the composition is pretty weird; not an easy-listening song at all. At least to my ears.

5. メビウスの憂鬱 (Moebius no Yuutsu) : Another jazzy track, but with softer feeling and slower beat. This song is easy listening and very lovely. This song has some unpredictable tunes that make it enjoyable. Nice track!

6. このは (Konoha) : They've actually made great rock-ballads, this song is one of them. It has rather 'light' guitar rhythm and it's cooling you down.

7. レゾンデートル (Raison d'être) : One of the coolest tracks in this album! I love the composition and arrangement, I love Yomi's strong vocal together with great collaboration of all instruments. It has a thick rock feeling in it. Definitely love this one.

8. WORST : Actually this song is pretty interesting (it has rather peculiar composition), it has catchy beat but the whole track is not really easy listening, I guess? However, musically, it sounds really complicated.

9. ジャイアニズム罰 (Gianism Hachi) : I love this song too, it sounds wild! It's their 8th 'giantism' song, anyway. It sounds a bit different from the previous numbers of 'giantism', but still has thick 'Nightmare feel'. The musical composition sounds awesome; I can tell that every member has put their creativity and improvisations without leaving the core of this song. Cool.

10. ジェネラル (General) : This is a heavy, dark song that a bit reminds me of the GazettE's, musically. Fortunately, Yomi's vocal is amazingly unique and the composition still suits Nightmare, so this song still sounds like Nightmare's.

11. WHITE ROOM : Rocks. I think this song is indeed proper to be made into PV, because it has many interesting elements and compositions. It brings you a cool feeling, rather dark-ish. Discover what Nightmare has discovered in this song. It's awesome.

12. cloudy dayz : It's a type of song that stucks in your head; at least for me, sorry. It has interesting tunes, supported by awesome music collaboration. Interesting song.

13. 夜想曲 (Yasou Kyoku) : I think this is a perfect closing. It has this sweet soft feeling. It's a lovely ballad, giving you this 'light' but mellow atmosphere. Yomi's vocal drags you to that kind of feeling.

[極魂ROCK CAFE] / Gokutama Rock Cafe - アンティック-珈琲店- (ANTIC CAFE)

1. 流星ロケット (Ryuusei Rocket) : I always like this track. I like the beat, I like Yuuki's ticklish keyboard and Takuya's solo melody. Although it's up-beat, but I still catch sort of 'serious tones' in this song. I guess it's the message behind the song.

2. S☆B☆Y (Stand By You) : The whole song is cheery and fun, fast beat, full of promise. Especially the melody from keyboard, makes you dance and jump around! The guitar still rocks you out though, even when you think this song is a dance song.

3. Cherry咲く勇気!! (Cherry Saku Yuuki!!) : I ended up loving this song more than I expected. This song has mixed feelings and it makes you feel connected to the song. I love Yuuki and Takuya's collaborations here. Nice song.

4. NYAPPY in The World 3 : I love this very nyappy song. ♥ Well actually the 2nd NYAPPY song was very impressive and strong. But this 3rd NYAPPY song has a 'new' feeling, rather soft but more fun; represents the presence of new members. I personally LOVE Takuya's solo melody part. Very interesting. This song makes me NYAPPY!

5. ベイビーキング (Baby King) : This song has lots of cute elements. The fast beat sounds fun. Kanon made it a bit personal with the very thick bass-lines, really ticklish, as well as the cheery keyboard sound from Yuuki.

6. デイブレイク (Daybreak) : OMIGOSH I LOVE THIS SONG SO SO SO MUCH!!!

Yuuki made this song, if I'm not mistaken. :D This song has a cheery tone, giving you a good mood. Yuuki put a lot of piano in this song. This song sounds so lovely, somehow it builds up your spirit. I love especially the verse-chorus part, it's so cute and catchy.

7. ピアス (Pierce) : The beat of the song is fun and Takuya put suitable guitar rhythm in it. This is one of my favorite songs, because it makes me dance.

8. 孤立ホスピタル (Koritsu Hospital) : This song is Takuya's. It has the hardest rock feeling, I think. However, this song sounds very 'An Cafe', IMHO. Reminds me of some old songs of them, when Bou was still in the band.

9. 覚醒ヒロイズム ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~ (Kakusei Heroism ~The Hero Without A Name~) : I like this track, it sounds 'clean', but totally rocks. It's a fun song. This is the first song since Takuya and Yuuki joined the band, so it's memorable.

10. 愛情サイクリング (Aijou Cycling) : It has more calm feelings behind the rock sound. They have put some interesting arrangements here, especially in the bridge. I like it. Feel the love!

11. オレンジドリーム (Orange Dream) : This is another slow entry other than Daybreak. This song has a more mellow feeling since Miku wrote this for Bou.

Teruki's drums have made this song still 'An Cafe', despite the sad feeling.

[センチメンタル マキアート] / Sentimental Macchiato - シド (SID)

1. 証言 (Shougen) : A rather 'serious' opening track, where Mao has shown his awesome skill at vocals. I always love his voice. And, Shinji's accoustic guitar sounds really awesome too. I think this song sends its message gradually--I feel like finding 'new thing' in every part of this song.

2. 夏恋 (Natsukoi) : This song was the one that made me officially into Mao. It's a cute song with cute vocals, represents summer so well. Soft, neat and sweet.

3. 右手のスプーンと初恋とナイフ (Migite No Spoon To Hatsukoi To Knife) : It rocks, just like the title. I find a more chaotic sound in it, but in a cool way. I don't mind a different tone between other tones in this album, anyway. Mao's vocal is surprisingly rough and cool too, interesting!

4. 蜜指 ~ミツユビ~ (Mitsuyubi) : This jazzy track is known as the 'pervert track', lol.

Musically, it does sound rather naughty and sexy. One good alternative, I may say.

5. 誘感コレクション (Yuuwaku Collection) : The percussion insert is interesting. It starts with rather soft mood but then...

They inserted rock tones! It's kinda great when they suddenly put a hard sound after the clean opening. I love Mao's vocal here, it's not boring. This song is enjoyable.

6. And Boyfriend : Sounds like ska! This is a fun track that gives a good feeling. Probably the same type of song as "Smile", only this one is more like 'slowing down', with softer feeling.

7. Orion : I love Aki's bass-lines here. The compositions are nice. It's a refreshing track and has rather soft feeling too.

8. マスカラ (Mascara) : My favorite song.

I love the sound of the guitar. And the bass-lines are suitable too. I dunno how but this song reminds me of The Corrs, lol. I really like the tunes and tones, I like the whole compositions and enjoy it since the beginning till the end.

9. Smile : A very positive song, I may say. The fast and fun beat, melody, all components have create a cheery atmosphere, it's like charging up your energy. I love this song.

10. Dear Tokyo : Another positive rock song. This song like represents youth energy, burning the spirit up. Shinji's guitar sounds suitable and fun. Listening to this song, I want to shout together with them, release my free spirit!

I think it's a good attraction.

11. 涙の温度 (Namida No Ondo) : The title says it all. It's a melancholic track with a sad feeling in it. However, it's good that we can cry over a very beautiful sad song like this one, isn't it.

Shinji's accoustic guitar sounds really beautiful and flawless here. I like Aki's bass-lines as well. The musical collaborations are all nice.

an cafe, sid, music, review, nightmare

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